Evidence summary notes under LAWGENRL 401 from the University of Auckland. Created in 2021, 69 page notes helped me archive an A in the exam.

  • Lecturer
  • Professor Scott Optican
  • Class Year
  • 2021
  • Grade
  • A
  • Number of Pages
  • 69
  • Staff Rating
  • 4.75/5

Evidence (LAWGENRL 401) summary notes. These notes cover the following topics:

  • Relevance and Prejudice
    • Policies and purposes of evidence law
      • Evidence Act s-6
      • Evidence Act s0-12
    • Relevance
      • Evidence Act s-9
      • Relevance defined
      • Adamson case
      • R v Bain
      • R v Baker
      • Poe case
      • Evidence Act s3-14
    • Unfair prejudice
      • Evidence Act sectio
    • Propensity Evidence
      • Evidence Act
      • O v R
      • Wi v R
      • Alletson
      • McIntosh
      • Kingi
      • Mahomed
      • D v R
      • Snell-Scasbrook
      • Thompson v R
    • Judicial Notice
      • Evidence Act
      • Kapi v MOT
      • Zundel
  • Eligibility and Compellability of Witnesses
    • Evidence Act
    • Eligibility
    • Compellability
    • Child witnesses
      • R v Tanner
      • K v R
  • Opinion Evidence
    • Evidence Act
    • Opinion evidence rule
      • Section 4 definition
    • Non-expert opinion evidence
      • Scott’s test:
    • Expert opinion evidence
      • What is an expert?
      • Permissible subject matter of expert testimony
      • Factual foundation for expert testimony
      • Expert opinion evidence test
    • Experiments, demonstrations, and reconstructions
    • Novel scientific evidence
  • Examination in Chief (direct examination)
    • Evidence Act
    • Leading questions
      • Examination in chief
      • Cross-examination
      • R v E
      • Rongonui
    • Hannigan procedure
      • Hannigan v R
    • Previous consistent statements
      • General rule
      • Roberts
      • Exceptions
    • Refreshing memory
      • Rook
      • Rongonui
    • Unfavourable and hostile witnesses
      • Hannigan
      • Herewini
      • Morgan
      • Scott’s refreshing memory test
      • Options for dealing with an unfavourable witness
  • Cross-examination
    • Evidence Act
    • Duty to cross-examine
    • Cross-examination on veracity
      • Evidence Act
      • Lahina
      • Carter
      • Test for veracity evidence
    • Hypothetical questions
    • Good faith basis
    • Prior inconsistent statements
    • Cross-examination of complainants in sexual assault cases
      • Evidence Act
      • Solicitor General v Singh
      • B v R
      • Sahib
    • Cross-examination on prior convictions
      • Holland
  • Privilege
    • Evidence Act
    • Legal professional privilege
      • Solicitor-client privilege
      • Litigation privilege
      • Crime fraud exception
      • Waiver of privilege
      • Without prejudice communications
    • Marital communications privilege
    • Doctor-patient privilege
    • Religious advisor privilege
    • Privilege against self-incrimination
    • Discretionary protection of confidential communications
  • Hearsay
    • Definition
      • Things that look like hearsay that aren’t
    • Common law exceptions
    • Defendant’s statements
    • Evidence Ac006 exceptions
      • Business records
    • Evidence Act sectio8 admissibility of hearsay
      • Evidence Act
    • Notice of hearsay evidence
    • Scott’s hearsay test Error! Bookmark not defined
    • Hearsay test

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