These are comprehensive LAW 1506 – Property Law notes from Adelaide university. These LAW 1506 notes are 65 pages long. I have formatted these to be easy to apply in exam based on question.
Every topic has a special section that shows case summaries with facts and ratios. This will make sure that factual analogies can be drawn wherever possible. Apart from that, there’s a skeleton answer at the beginning of the document (check the free sample file) which can be used as a check list for issue spotting and to can be used in developing an answer. These are complete notes covering the whole Property Law course.
I have covered following LAW 1506 topics in these notes:
- Property Rights Miscellaneous information
- Possession
- Fixtures and Fittings
- Tenure
- Estates
- Equitable Interests
- Leases
- Easements
- Profit a Prendre
- Co-ownership
- Mortgages
- Torrens System
- Priorities
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