These Introduction to Epidemiology notes cover weeks 5 to 10, which are relevant to the midterm exam. They are complete and easy to follow. Linked index table is given at the beginning of the notes for easy navigation. These PBHL 3001 notes include a few practise questions as well.
Covered topics are:
Causation and hypothesis
Risk factors, causality, Hill’s 9 criteria
How to test hypotheses to establish causality
Criteria of causality
Sampling error and confidence intervals
Effect modification and confounding
Stratified analysis
Direct and indirect age standardization
Calculating crude mortality rate (CMR), cause-specific mortality rate (CSMR), age-specific mortality rate (ASMR)
The steps to step up and calculate each type
Study designs, including:
Descriptive vs analytic
Experimental vs observational
Randomized and Quasi-Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Prospective and retrospective cohort
Attributable risk and mortality calculations
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