Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCHOL 1004) complete notes

Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCHOL 1004) complete notes

Research Methods in Psychology complete notes under PSYCHOL 1004 from the University of Adelaide. Created in 2021, these 124 pages long notes got me a…

By: Nacaloi Year: Grade: HD 124 Pages

Introduction to Human Development (PSY203) complete course notes

Introduction to Human Development (PSY203) complete course notes

Introduction to Human Development (PSY203) complete course notes from University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). Written in 2021, these notes are 226 pages long. Cover…

By: mangoboy Year: Grade: Distinction 226 Pages

Introduction to Psychology A (PSY100) complete course notes

Introduction to Psychology A (PSY100) complete course notes

Introduction to Psychology A (PSY100) complete course notes from the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). Written in 2021, these 41 pages long notes cover…

By: mangoboy Year: 41 Pages

Research Methods in Psychology A (PSY200) complete course notes

Research Methods in Psychology A (PSY200) complete course notes

Research Methods in Psychology A (PSY200) complete course notes from the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). 183 pages long notes were created in 2021.…

By: mangoboy Year: Grade: Distinction 183 Pages

Physiological Psychology (PSY202) complete course notes

Physiological Psychology (PSY202) complete course notes

Physiological Psychology (PSY202) complete course notes from the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), Written in 2021, these notes are 369 pages long. Cover week1-13.…

By: mangoboy Year: Grade: Distinction 369 Pages

Christianity (REL 1000) LSU lecture notes

Christianity (REL 1000) LSU lecture notes

Christianity lecture notes under REL 1000 - 1000 Religions of the World from the Louisiana State University (LSU). 22 pages long notes got me an…

By: Chathu Year: Grade: A 22 Pages

Buddhism (REL 1000) LSU notes

Buddhism (REL 1000) LSU notes

Buddhism lecture and reading notes under Religions of the World (REL 1000) from the Louisiana State University (LSU). 23 pages long notes got me an…

By: Chathu Year: Grade: A 23 Pages

Law of the European Union (CL6301) tutorial notes

Law of the European Union (CL6301) tutorial notes

Law of the European Union tutorial notes covering CL6301 from the Cardiff University. Compiled in 2021, these 73 pages long notes cover 7 tutorial topics.

By: McMillon Year: Grade: 1st 73 Pages

Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2150) problem question guide

Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2150) problem question guide

Federal Constitutional Law problem question guide under LAWS2150 from the UNSW. Completed in 2020, these 38 pages long notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Kattie Year: Grade: 86% 38 Pages

Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2150) complete notes

Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2150) complete notes

Federal Constitutional Law complete notes under LAWS2150 from the UNSW. Completed in 2020, these 232 pages long notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Kattie Year: Grade: 86% 232 Pages

Intellectual Property 2 (LAWS3248) complete notes

Intellectual Property 2 (LAWS3248) complete notes

Intellectual Property 2: Trade Marks and Patents notes under LAWS3248 from the UNSW. Completed in 2020, these 122 pages long notes got me a HD…

By: Kattie Year: Grade: 87% 122 Pages

SSP Chemistry 1A (CHEM1991) notes

SSP Chemistry 1A (CHEM1991) notes

Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program) notes covering CHEM1991 at the University of Sydney. 2021 compiled 77 pages long notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Risa Year: Grade: HD 77 Pages

Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107) full course summary

Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107) full course summary

Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107) full course summary from the UTS. Written in 2021, these 69 pages long ABDA notes got me a HD…

By: Muller Year: Grade: 88% 69 Pages

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT20001) full summary H1 notes

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT20001) full summary H1 notes

Organisational Behaviour full summary notes covering MGMT20001 from the University of Melbourne. Created in 2020, 35 pages long OB notes got me H1.

By: YHung Year: Grade: H1 35 Pages

Principles of Business Law (BLAW10001) complete notes

Principles of Business Law (BLAW10001) complete notes

Principles of Business Law complete notes covering BLAW10001 from the University of Melbourne. Created in 2020, 48 pages long PBL notes got me H1.

By: YHung Year: Grade: H1 48 Pages

Health, Ethics and the Law (HSBH3004) notes

Health, Ethics and the Law (HSBH3004) notes

Health, Ethics and the Law complete notes under HSBH3004 from the University of Sydney. 95 pages long these notes got me a HD in exam.…

By: Eqkbal Year: Grade: HD 95 Pages

Digital Marketing (MKTG3006) HD notes

Digital Marketing (MKTG3006) HD notes

Digital Marketing lecture notes under MKTG3006 from the Macquarie University. HD received in 2020 exam by using these 21 pages long notes.

By: Ron Year: Grade: HD 21 Pages

Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs (LAWS3046) exam pointers

Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs (LAWS3046) exam pointers

UNSW Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs (LAWS3046) exam pointers. 25 pages long notes contain very important answers for final exam.

By: Jaclie8 Year: Grade: 86% 25 Pages

Foundations of Law (LAW1111) HD notes

Foundations of Law (LAW1111) HD notes

Foundations of Law HD notes covering LAW1111 from the Monash University. Written in 2021, 64 pages long these notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Larry Year: Grade: HD 64 Pages

Criminal Law 1 (LAW1114) notes with cases

Criminal Law 1 (LAW1114) notes with cases

Criminal Law 1 notes with cases covering LAW1114 from the Monash University. Written in 2021, 58 pages long notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Larry Year: Grade: HD 58 Pages