Microbiology (BIO-255E/BIO-255LE) complete course notes

Microbiology (BIO-255E/BIO-255LE) complete course notes

Microbiology complete course notes covering BIO-255E/BIO-255LE from the MCPHS University. These notes are 74 pages long and were written in 2021.

By: Eliriz Year: Grade: A 74 Pages

Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 110-E & BIO 110-LE) complete course notes

Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 110-E & BIO 110-LE) complete course notes

Anatomy and Physiology I complete course notes under BIO 110-E and BIO 110-LE from MCPHS University. These notes are 76 pages long and were written…

By: Eliriz Year: Grade: A 76 Pages

Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 (HFB2117) complete notes with associated CPGs

Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 (HFB2117) complete notes with associated CPGs

Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 complete notes with associated CPGs under HFB2117 of the Bachelor of Paramedicine at the Victoria University. These notes are 145 pages…

By: AzmilX Year: Grade: HD 145 Pages

Sociology of Health (SOCI 2050) all lecture notes

Sociology of Health (SOCI 2050) all lecture notes

Sociology of Health all lecture notes covering SOCI 2050 from Carleton University. These notes are 47 pages long. They are very neat and easy to…

By: Veatlun Year: Grade: 79% 47 Pages

Psychological Criminology (CR6015) lecture notes

Psychological Criminology (CR6015) lecture notes

Psychological Criminology lecture notes under the module CR6015 of BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology from University of East London. Notes are 47 pages long.

By: Annie18 Year: Grade: 79% 47 Pages

Research Methods in Sociology (SOCI 3580) complete lecture notes

Research Methods in Sociology (SOCI 3580) complete lecture notes

Complete lecture notes for Research Methods in Sociology under SOCI 3580 at the University of Georgia cover lecture 1 to lecture 29. These notes are…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: A 54 Pages

Brand Management (MMK280) complete lectures with exam summary

Brand Management (MMK280) complete lectures with exam summary

Brand Management complete lecture notes with exam summary under MMK280 from the Deakin University. These notes are 115 pages long and were written in 2019.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 84% 115 Pages

Business Ethics (MMM343) complete HD notes

Business Ethics (MMM343) complete HD notes

Business Ethics complete HD notes for MMM343 at the Deakin University Management. These notes are 47 pages long and were written in 2019.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 80% 47 Pages

Business Marketing (MMK368) complete HD notes

Business Marketing (MMK368) complete HD notes

Business Marketing complete HD notes for MMK368 at the Deakin University. These notes are 70 pages long and were written in 2020. HD grade received.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 82% 70 Pages

Consumer Behaviour (MMK266) complete HD notes

Consumer Behaviour (MMK266) complete HD notes

Consumer Behaviour complete HD notes for MMK266 at the Deakin University. These notes are 45 pages long and were written in 2020. HD grade received.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 85% 45 Pages

Law for Commerce (MLC101) complete HD notes

Law for Commerce (MLC101) complete HD notes

Law for Commerce complete HD notes for MLC101 at the Deakin University. These notes are 46 pages long and were written in 2019. Received HD.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 78% 46 Pages

Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age (MMK295) complete HD notes

Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age (MMK295) complete HD notes

Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age complete HD notes for MMK295 at the Deakin University. These notes are 54 pages long and were written…

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 83% 54 Pages

Global Economy (MAE203) complete HD notes

Global Economy (MAE203) complete HD notes

Global Economy complete notes for MAE203 at the Deakin University. These notes are 100 pages long and were written in 2020. Received HD using these…

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 84% 100 Pages

Services Marketing (MMK251) complete HD notes

Services Marketing (MMK251) complete HD notes

Services Marketing complete HD notes for MMK251 at the Deakin University. These notes are 45 pages long and were written in 2019. Received HD.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 83% 45 Pages

Marketing Insights (MMK365) complete HD notes

Marketing Insights (MMK365) complete HD notes

Marketing Insights complete notes for MMK365 at the Deakin University. These notes are 37 pages long and were written in 2020. Received a HD.

By: Budynui Year: Grade: 82% 37 Pages

Equity and Trusts (LA3002) LLB complete notes

Equity and Trusts (LA3002) LLB complete notes

Complete notes for Equity and Trusts course under LA3002 from the LLB at the University of London. These notes were written in 2020 and 101…

By: Aenzec Year: Grade: 79% 101 Pages

States and Markets (4YYR0001) complete lecture notes

States and Markets (4YYR0001) complete lecture notes

States and Markets complete lecture notes for 4YYR0001 at the King's College London. These brilliant notes are 39 pages long and cover all lectures.

By: Raniel Year: Grade: 83% 39 Pages

International Business (5SSMN238) detailed notes

International Business (5SSMN238) detailed notes

Detailed notes for International Business module under 5SSMN238 from the King's College London. These notes are 35 pages long and cover week 1 to 10.

By: Raniel Year: Grade: 76% 35 Pages

Sociology of Work (4SSMN139) complete lecture notes

Sociology of Work (4SSMN139) complete lecture notes

Sociology of Work complete semester 2 lecture notes under 4SSMN139 from the King's College London. These notes are 63 pages long and cover all lectures.

By: Raniel Year: Grade: 81% 63 Pages

International Relations (5AAOB205) lecture and reading notes

International Relations (5AAOB205) lecture and reading notes

International Relations lecture and reading notes under 5AAOB205 at the King's College London. These two notes are 47 and 39 pages long.

By: Raniel Year: Grade: 77% 124 Pages