Introduction to the History of Political Ideologies summary

Introduction to the History of Political Ideologies summary

This is a complete summary of the Introduction to the History of Political Ideologies (K001323) at the Ghent University. These notes are 95 pages long.

By: RebeccaUK Year: Grade: 79% 95 Pages

McMaster MD Program Year 1 problem-based learning (PBL) notes

McMaster MD Program Year 1 problem-based learning (PBL) notes

These are Problem-based learning notes from the McMaster University MD Program. These notes cover weeks 1 to 26 of year 1. All the weeks combined,…

By: Karl Year: 908 Pages

CA Audit and Assurance notes with CSG diagrams

CA Audit and Assurance notes with CSG diagrams

These are CA Audit and Assurance notes with CSG diagrams. These 123 pages long notes cover the CA AAA module in bullet point format. And…

By: roxain Year: Grade: 81% 123 Pages

LAW157: Alternative Dispute Resolution complete course notes

LAW157: Alternative Dispute Resolution complete course notes

These are Alternative Dispute Resolution complete course notes for LAW157 at the UNE. 127 page long notes cover the entire course and include prescribed reading…

By: Isaac Year: Grade: 82% 127 Pages

Administrative Law (JURD7160 & LAWS1160) summary notes

Administrative Law (JURD7160 & LAWS1160) summary notes

These are Administrative Law summary notes that covers both JURD7160 and LAWS1160 course at the UNSW. They are 74 page long and cover the entire…

By: Keng Year: Grade: 83% 74 Pages

ANU Administrative Law (LAWS2201) summary

ANU Administrative Law (LAWS2201) summary

This is a comprehensive summary of Administrative Law course at the Australian National University. These notes are 104 page long and covers all there is…

By: Natalie Year: Grade: 80% 104 Pages

ACCTING 2503: Accounting Information Systems exam notes

ACCTING 2503: Accounting Information Systems exam notes

Accounting Information Systems exam notes for ACCTING 2503 at the University of Adelaide. These are 27 pages long, condensed notes covering all the examinable points…

By: adacc Year: Grade: 82% 27 Pages

ACCTG 211: Financial Accounting comprehensive notes

ACCTG 211: Financial Accounting comprehensive notes

These are Financial Accounting comprehensive Stage II notes covering the course ACCTG 211 at the University of Auckland. These 111 pages long notes cover all…

By: NZ Acc Year: Grade: A+ 111 Pages

LAWS5009 & LAWS2013: The Legal Profession complete notes

LAWS5009 & LAWS2013: The Legal Profession complete notes

The Legal Profession complete notes for both LAWS5009 and LAWS2013 course at the Sydney Law School. These are very detailed, 254 page long notes.

By: roy20 Year: Grade: 79% 254 Pages

LAW4340: Sport and the Law complete exam notes

LAW4340: Sport and the Law complete exam notes

Sport and the Law complete exam notes for LAW4340 unit at the Monash University. These 64 pages long notes condensing the whole course targeting the…

By: sim20 Year: Grade: 83% 64 Pages

MKTG 11000D: Marketing Fundamentals complete study notes

MKTG 11000D: Marketing Fundamentals complete study notes

Marketing Fundamentals complete study notes covering the course MKTG 11000D at the Sheridan College. These 47 pages long notes cover all the chapters in details.

By: Furecia Year: 47 Pages

EC347: Industrial Organisation complete revision notes

EC347: Industrial Organisation complete revision notes

These are exam targeted Industrial Organisation complete revision notes that cover EC347 module at the University of Reading. These are 42 pages long notes.

By: Elai Year: 42 Pages

PSY1022: Psychology 1B full comprehensive notes

PSY1022: Psychology 1B full comprehensive notes

Psychology 1B full comprehensive notes for the unit PSY1022 at the Monash University. These 82 pages long document was compiled using all textbook, lecture and…

By: Sash Year: Grade: HD 82 Pages

MKC2130: Marketing Decision Analysis full comprehensive notes

MKC2130: Marketing Decision Analysis full comprehensive notes

Marketing Decision Analysis full comprehensive notes for the unit MKC2130 at the Monash University. These 47 pages long document was compiled using textbook, lecture &…

By: Sash Year: Grade: HD 47 Pages

BTC3300: Marketing Law comprehensive cases table

BTC3300: Marketing Law comprehensive cases table

These notes contain a comprehensive cases table for Marketing Law under the unit BTC3300 at the Monash University. This 24 pages long document is colour…

By: Sash Year: Grade: A 24 Pages

BTC3300: Marketing Law full comprehensive notes

BTC3300: Marketing Law full comprehensive notes

Marketing law full comprehensive notes for the unit BTC3300 at the Monash University. These 137 pages long document was compiled using all textbook, lecture and…

By: Sash Year: Grade: HD 137 Pages

BIO-110: General Biology I FA5 textbook lecture notes

BIO-110: General Biology I FA5 textbook lecture notes

These are handwritten BIO-110 textbook lecture notes covering the General Biology I FA5 course at the American University. These notes are 27 pages long.

By: neha Year: Grade: A 27 Pages

ECNM08004: Economic Principles complete course notes

ECNM08004: Economic Principles complete course notes

Economic Principles complete course notes for ECNM08004 at the University of Edinburgh. These 79 pages long notes cover all the lecture notes of the course. 

By: Banny Year: Grade: A 79 Pages

PHY356H1: Quantum Mechanics I final exam notes

PHY356H1: Quantum Mechanics I final exam notes

These are final exam notes for PHY356H1 covering Quantum Mechanics I course at the University of Toronto. These handwritten notes are 16 page long.

By: anand Year: 16 Pages

FIN 423: Introduction to Alternative Investment lecture notes

FIN 423: Introduction to Alternative Investment lecture notes

These are complete lecture notes for FIN 423 featuring Introduction to Alternative Investment at the University of Miami. These 90 page long notes cover the…

By: george Year: Grade: A 90 Pages