Foundations of Professional Practice 3A (NURS3101) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 3A (NURS3101) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 3A summary notes under NURS3101 from the University of Newcastle. Created for 2022, 63 page notes got me a HD.

By: Bojill Year: Grade: HD 63 Pages

Foundations of Professional Practice 2A (NURS2101) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 2A (NURS2101) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 2A summary notes under NURS2101 from the University of Newcastle. Created for 2022, 42 page notes got me a HD.

By: Govindan Year: Grade: HD 42 Pages

Foundations of Professional Practice 2B (NURS2201) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 2B (NURS2201) summary notes

Foundations of Professional Practice 2B summary notes under NURS2201 from the University of Newcastle. Created for 2022, 55 page notes got me a HD.

By: Juancarlo Year: Grade: HD 55 Pages

Ecosystems and Ecology (IB ESS) complete notes

Ecosystems and Ecology (IB ESS) complete notes

Ecosystems and Ecology (IB ESS) complete notes. These 148 page notes were created in 2022. They cover Environmental Systems and Societies topic 2.

By: Kavinclow Year: Grade: 7 148 Pages

Anxiety Disorders (BI3451 – Year 3) notes

Anxiety Disorders (BI3451 – Year 3) notes

Anxiety Disorders notes under BI3451 from the Cardiff University. Year 3 notes under Neurobiology of Brain Disorders are 25 pages long.

By: Piulonam Year: Grade: 78% 25 Pages

Classical Mythology (CLA 2323) lecture notes

Classical Mythology (CLA 2323) lecture notes

Classical Mythology lecture notes under CLA 2323 from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Created in 2022, these 80 page notes can get you…

By: NurilC Year: Grade: A 81 Pages

Business and Corporations Law (ACCG2051) lecture notes

Business and Corporations Law (ACCG2051) lecture notes

Business and Corporations Law lecture notes UNDER ACCG2051 from the Macquarie University. Created in 2022, 41 page notes can get you a HD.

By: Bojill Year: Grade: HD 41 Pages

DERSG 4 (ELEE10030) lecture summary notes

DERSG 4 (ELEE10030) lecture summary notes

DERSG (Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grids) 4 lecture summary notes from the University of Edinburgh. 31 page notes were created in 2022.

By: Kavinclow Year: 31 Pages

Fundamentals of Chemistry (CHEM 107) complete notes

Fundamentals of Chemistry (CHEM 107) complete notes

Fundamentals of Chemistry lecture notes under CHEM 107 from the Colorado State University. Created in 2022, these 64 page notes got me an A+.

By: Bushinor Year: Grade: A+ 64 Pages

Music Appreciation (MU 100) complete notes

Music Appreciation (MU 100) complete notes

Music Appreciation complete (book and lectures) notes under MU 100 from the Colorado State University. Created in 2021, these 164 page notes got me an…

By: KimYoshu Year: Grade: A 164 Pages

Earth Surface Processes (GEOS2116) complete notes

Earth Surface Processes (GEOS2116) complete notes

Earth Surface Processes complete notes under GEOS2116 from the University of Sydney. Created in 2021, these 165 page notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Piulonam Year: Grade: HD 165 Pages

Introduction to Sport Management (SPM 290) class notes

Introduction to Sport Management (SPM 290) notes

Introduction to Sport Management class notes under SPM 290 from the University of Tampa. Created in 2022, 22 page notes can be used for exams.

By: Sanlivan Year: Grade: 88% 22 Pages

Plants and Environment (BIOL2031) complete notes

Plants and Environment (BIOL2031) complete notes

Plants and Environment complete notes under BIOL2031 from the University of Sydney. Created in 2021, these 207 page notes got me a HD in exam.

By: Govindan Year: Grade: HD 207 Pages

Environmental Monitoring (ENSC2001) complete notes

Environmental Monitoring (ENSC2001) complete notes

Environmental Monitoring complete notes under ENSC2001 from the University of Sydney. Created in 2021, these 73 page notes got me a HD.

By: Bojill Year: Grade: HD 73 Pages

Soil and Water: Earth’s Life Support Systems (SOIL2005) complete notes

Soil and Water: Earth’s Life Support Systems (SOIL2005) complete notes

Soil and Water: Earth's Life Support Systems complete notes under SOIL2005 from the USYD. Created in 2021, these 89 page notes got me a HD.

By: Docirola Year: Grade: HD 89 Pages

Portfolio Management (EMEC028S6) exam solutions

Portfolio Management (EMEC028S6) exam solutions

Portfolio Management exam solutions under EMEC028S6 from the Birkbeck, University of London. This 46 page file provides answers to 2022 exam questions.

By: NurilC Year: 46 Pages

Civil Practice (70104) exam notes

Civil Practice (70104) exam notes

Civil Practice exam notes under 70104 from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 2021 written, 87 page notes got me a HD in the exam.

By: Kavinclow Year: Grade: HD 87 Pages

Minor Ailment 2 (PHAR 154) full course file

Minor Ailment 2 (PHAR 154) full course file

Minor Ailment 2 full course file under Self-Care 2: Non-prescription Pharmaceuticals and Supplies (PHAR 154). 25 page file covers OTC products for various conditions.

By: Piulonam Year: Grade: 81% 25 Pages

Minor Ailment (PHAR 153) full course file

Minor Ailment (PHAR 153) full course file

Minor Ailment full course file under Non-prescription Pharmaceuticals and Supplies (PHAR 153). 16 page file covers OTC products for various conditions.

By: Muvinosan Year: Grade: 84% 16 Pages

Introduction to Health Assessment (NSE 103) exam review

Introduction to Health Assessment (NSE 103) exam review

Introduction to Health Assessment exam review notes under NSE 103 from the Ryerson University. Created in 2021, 40 page notes cover all 12 weeks.

By: Kavinclow Year: 14 Sales40 Pages