CFA® Level 2 important theories

CFA® Level 2 important theories

This file contain contains a few important theories and concepts under each subjects that are not available in Schweser's Quicksheet. 21 page files was created…

By: Bojill Year: 21 Pages

Basic Chemistry notes from Atom to Gases

Basic Chemistry notes from Atom to Gases

Any Chemistry student can use these Basic Chemistry notes. They start from the structure of the atom and end with gases in 10 chapters and…

By: KimYoshu Year: 81 Pages

CFA® Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) notes

CFA® Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) notes

CFA Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) notes. Clearly written version 3 based notes are 77 pages long. Use these notes to PASS the ESG certificate…

By: Docirola Year: 55 SalesGrade: PASS 77 Pages

CFA® Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) best revision notes

CFA® Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) best revision notes

CFA Certificate in ESG Investing (2022) best revision notes based on the textbook. Version 3 based these notes summarise the syllabus into 30 pages.

By: Govindan Year: Grade: PASS 30 Pages

Research Methods in Applied Psychology (RMAP) textbook summary

Research Methods in Applied Psychology (RMAP) textbook summary

Research Methods in Applied Psychology (RMAP) under CLPS11066 textbook summary notes from the University of Edinburgh. 39 page notes can be used for assessment.

By: Govindan Year: Grade: 72% 39 Pages

Cognition and Emotion (CLPS11052) essay reading notes

Cognition and Emotion (CLPS11052) essay reading notes

Cognition and Emotion essay reading notes under Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Disorders (CLPS11052) from the University of Edinburgh. 65 page notes.

By: Piulonam Year: Grade: 76% 65 Pages

Primary Concepts of Adult Nursing I (NUR 3180) final exam notes

Primary Concepts of Adult Nursing I (NUR 3180) final exam notes

Primary Concepts of Adult Nursing I final exam notes under NUR 3180 from the Nova Southeastern University. 25 page notes were created for 2022.

By: Bojill Year: 25 Pages

Criminal Procedure (MLL218) complete exam notes

Criminal Procedure (MLL218) complete exam notes

Criminal Procedure complete exam and assignment notes covering MLL218 from the Deakin University. Created in 2021, 152 page notes got me a HD.

By: Muvinosan Year:

Managerial Economics (BSP1703) lecture notes

Managerial Economics (BSP1703) lecture notes

Managerial Economics lecture summary notes under BSP1703 from the NUS Business School. Grade A assisted 28 page notes were created in 2021.

By: Kavinclow Year: Grade: A 28 Pages

Consumer Behaviour (MKT3702) summary notes

Consumer Behaviour (MKT3702) summary notes

Consumer Behaviour lecture summary notes under MKT3702 from the NUS Business School. Grade A assisted 28 page notes were created in 2021.

By: KimYoshu Year: Grade: A 28 Pages

Product & Brand Management (MKT3717) lecture summary notes

Product & Brand Management (MKT3717) lecture summary notes

Product & Brand Management lecture summary notes under MKT3717 from the NUS Business School. Grade A assisted 36 page notes were created in 2021.

By: Sanlivan Year: Grade: A 36 Pages

Accounting for Decision Makers (ACC1701) summary exam notes

Accounting for Decision Makers (ACC1701) summary exam notes

Accounting for Decision Makers summary exam notes under ACC1701 from the NUS Business School. 2021 created these notes are 94 pages long.

By: Muvinosan Year: 94 Pages

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (PSCL 436) lecture notes

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (PSCL 436) lecture notes

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis lecture notes under PSCL 436 from the Case Western Reserve University. 58 page notes were written in 2022.

By: ridman Year: Grade: A 58 Pages

Wildlife Management (FW 353) lecture notes

Wildlife Management (FW 353) lecture notes

Wildlife Management lecture notes under FW 353 from the North Carolina State University. 39 page notes were created in 2021 and got 85% in exam.

By: Rajindra Year: Grade: 85% 39 Pages

The Middle Ages (HI 208) lecture notes

The Middle Ages (HI 208) lecture notes

The Middle Ages lecture notes under HI 208 from the North Carolina State University. 52 page notes were created in 2021. Got 89% in the…

By: Rajindra Year: Grade: 89% 52 Pages

Corporations Law (LAWS2203) exam preparation notes

Corporations Law (LAWS2203) exam preparation notes

Corporations Law exam preparation notes under LAWS2203 from the Australian National University. Created in 2022, 38 page notes can get you a HD.

By: Sucil Year: Grade: HD 38 Pages

The Human Mind (HPS203) complete notes

The Human Mind (HPS203) complete notes

The Human Mind complete notes under HPS203 from the Deakin University. Created for 2021, these 103 page concise notes got me 77% in exam.

By: Jagush Year: Grade: 77% 103 Pages

Psychology Research Methods (Introductory) (HPS201) complete notes

Psychology Research Methods (Introductory) (HPS201) complete notes

Psychology Research Methods (Introductory) complete notes under HPS201 from the Deakin University. Created for 2021, these 86 page notes got me 83% in exam.

By: Jagush Year: Grade: 83% 86 Pages

Individual and Social Development (HPS121) complete notes

Individual and Social Development (HPS121) complete notes

Individual and Social Development complete notes under HPS121 from the Deakin University. Created for 2021, these 105 page notes got me 78% in exam.

By: Jagush Year: Grade: 78% 105 Pages

Fundamentals of Human Behaviour (HPS111) complete notes

Fundamentals of Human Behaviour (HPS111) complete notes

Fundamentals of Human Behaviour complete notes under HPS111 from the Deakin University. Created for 2021, these 104 page notes got me 81% in exam.

By: Jagush Year: Grade: 81% 104 Pages