Human Biology (MEDS1001 & BIOL1008) revision notes

Human Biology (MEDS1001 & BIOL1008) revision notes

These are Human Biology revision notes covering both MEDS1001 and BIOL1008 at the University of Sydney. They are 99 pages long and include all 4…

By: rihal Year: Grade: 85% 99 Pages

Income Tax (LAWS4221) course summary with case table

Income Tax (LAWS4221) course summary with case table

These are great Income Tax course summary notes with a case table for LAWS4221 at the Australian National University. These notes are 62 pages long.

By: Barrie Year: Grade: 82% 62 Pages

The Digestive System (HLTH 2221) detailed notes

The Digestive System (HLTH 2221) detailed notes

The Digestive System detailed notes under Functional Human Anatomy course - HLTH 2221, from the Stockton University. They are 12 pages long.

By: chana Year: Grade: A- 12 Pages

Foundations of Law (LAWS1006) seminar summary notes

Foundations of Law (LAWS1006) seminar summary notes

These Foundations of Law seminar summaries cover LAWS1006 at the University of Sydney. They are 36 pages long and were compiled in 2018.

By: Brandon Year: Grade: 81% 36 Pages

Foundations of Law notes with LAWS1006 assignment readings HD

Foundations of Law notes with LAWS1006 assignment readings HD

These are Foundations of Law notes with LAWS1006 assignment readings from the University of Sydney. They are 82 pages long comprehensive notes.

By: Brandon Year: Grade: 81% 82 Pages

LAWS1006 HD complete Foundations of Law notes

LAWS1006 HD complete Foundations of Law notes

These are 85 pages long and complete Foundations of Law notes covering LAWS1006 from the University of Sydney. I received a HD for this course.

By: jane Year: Grade: HD 85 Pages

International Politics of Economic Relations (POLI 243) full lecture notes

International Politics of Economic Relations (POLI 243) full lecture notes

These are International Politics of Economic Relations full lecture notes covering all lectures of POLI 243 at the McGill University. They are 120 pages long.

By: noran Year: 120 Pages

General Biology I (BIO 121) lecture notes for exams

General Biology I (BIO 121) lecture notes for exams

These are General Biology I lecture notes for all 3 exams covering BIO 121 at the Central Connecticut State University. Combined, they are 61 pages…

By: Patel Year: Grade: A 61 Pages

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) lecture + exam + tutorial notes

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) lecture + exam + tutorial notes

These are Australian Constitutional Law lecture, exam and tutorial notes covering 70616 course from the UTS. These notes are 257 pages long.

By: UTSLaw Year: Grade: 86% 257 Pages

Applied Business Statistics (BUAD 310) summary notes

Applied Business Statistics (BUAD 310) summary notes

These are Applied Business Statistics (BUAD 310) summary notes from the University of Southern California. They are 16 pages long and written in 2020.

By: Shawna Year: 16 Pages

Advanced Media Issues (ARTS3091) complete summary notes

Advanced Media Issues (ARTS3091) complete summary notes

These are complete Advanced Media Issues summary notes covering ARTS3091 at the University of New South Wales. They are 15 pages long & condensed.

By: Jerasim Year: Grade: 87% 15 Pages

Quantitative Methods 2 (ECON20003) full summary notes

Quantitative Methods 2 (ECON20003) full summary notes

These are full summary notes for Quantitative Methods 2 (QM2) covering ECON20003 at the Melbourne University. They are 31 pages long and exam targeted.

By: Kiona Year: Grade: 79% 31 Pages

Torts (LAWS206) HD summary notes

Torts (LAWS206) HD summary notes

These are summary notes for Torts under LAWS206 at the Australian Catholic University (ACU). These notes are 21 pages long covering all exam topics.

By: LWacu Year: Grade: HD 21 Pages

Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECOS2002) comprehensive exam notes

Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECOS2002) comprehensive exam notes

These are Intermediate Macroeconomics comprehensive exam notes for ECOS2002 at the University of Sydney. Combined, they are 114 pages long.

By: Ahmad Year: Grade: 82% 114 Pages

Intellectual Property Law (LAW 2514) exam notes

Intellectual Property Law (LAW 2514) exam notes

These Intellectual Property Law exam notes cover LAW 2514 at the University of Adelaide. They are only 15 pages long and were written in 2015.

By: lwSyd Year: Grade: HD 15 Pages

CPA CBI (Contemporary Business Issues) detailed index

CPA CBI (Contemporary Business Issues) detailed index

This is a CPA CBI (Contemporary Business Issues) detailed index. It's 71 pages long and takes a in-depth look into the study guide. HD received.

By: Kristin Year: Grade: HD 71 Pages

Neural Information Processing (NEUR3006) summary and practicals

Neural Information Processing (NEUR3006) summary and practicals

Neural Information Processing (NEUR3006) summary notes and practical notes from the University of Sydney. These summary notes are 79 pages long.

By: terry Year: 13 SalesGrade: HD 79 Pages

Comprehensive CPA Ethics and Governance (E&G) notes

Comprehensive CPA Ethics and Governance (E&G) notes

These are comprehensive CPA Ethics and Governance (E&G) notes. They are 157 pages long. Use these notes to guide you in exam as a base…

By: Charles Year: Grade: HD 157 Pages

Principles of Criminal Law and Procedure (LAW5001) answer template

Principles of Criminal Law and Procedure (LAW5001) answer template

These are answer templates for Principles of Criminal Law and Procedure under LAW5001 at the Monash University. These notes are 16 pages long.

By: suzy Year: Grade: HD 16 Pages

Administrative Law (LAW4331) exam skeleton

Administrative Law (LAW4331) exam skeleton

This is an exam skeleton for Administrative Law (LAW4331) at the Monash University. It's only 31 pages long yet exam targeted and covers the whole…

By: suzy Year: Grade: HD 31 Pages