These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

AP Psychology complete review notes

AP Psychology complete review notes targeting the exam. 55 page notes got me a 5 on the exam. Created in 2021 and cover all 9…

Accounting 101 (ACCTG 101) module summary notes

Accounting Information 101 module summary notes under ACCTG 101 from the University of Auckland. Written in 2021, 32 page notes cover 11 modules.

Muscle Testing & Goniometry (PHYT M8301) instructions

Muscle Testing & Goniometry instructions for PHYT M8301 from the Columbia University. Updated in 2019, 26 page notes list the contents in tables.

PT Mgt. of Pediatric Conditions (PHYT M8630) lecture notes

PT Mgt. of Pediatric Conditions lecture notes under PHYT M8630 from the Columbia University. Updated in 2019, 29 page notes cover 14 lectures.

Prosthetics (PHYT M8637) lecture notes

Prosthetics lecture notes under PHYT M8637 from the Columbia University. 56 page notes cover 6 lectures from the 2nd half of the semester.

PT Mgt. of Orthopedic Conditions III (PHYT M8612) lecture notes

PT Mgt. of Orthopedic Conditions III (PHYT M8612) lecture notes from the Columbia University. 43 page notes cover 11 lectures in details.

Adult Neuro Conditions II (PHYT M8621) rehab guidelines

Rehab guidelines in 11 pages for PT Mgt. of the Adult with Neurological Conditions II (PHYT M8621) from the Columbia University. About 12 diseases are…

Adult Neuro Conditions II (PHYT M8621) lecture notes

PT Mgt. of the Adult with Neurological Conditions II (PHYT M8621) lecture notes from the Columbia University. 56 page notes contain 19 lectures.

Interpersonal Skills (1008PSY) full summary notes

Interpersonal Skills full summary notes under 1008PSY at the Griffith University. 35 page notes were written in 2021. They got me a HD in exam.