These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

IB Language A: English Literature readings notes

IB Language A: English Literature readings notes. 96 page notes cover 1984, The Crucible, Persepolis, The Reader & Death and the Maiden books.

IB Economics full chapter notes

IB Economics chapter notes cover chapters 1 to 12. Written in 2021, 136 page notes can be used as revision material. These notes are good…

IGCSE Economics full chapter notes

IGCSE Economics full chapter notes. 32 pages long notes were compiled in 2021. These notes are great as revision notes or overnight reading notes.

IGCSE Biology full chapter notes

IGCSE Biology full chapter notes. 37 pages long notes were compiled in 2021. These notes are great as revision and overnight reading notes.

Dynamics (MAM1044H) complete notes

Dynamics (MAM1044H) complete notes covering MAM1044H at the University of Cape Town. 2021 written 61 page full notes got me an A in exam.

Modelling & Applied Computing (MAM1043H)

Modelling & Applied Computing semester 1 and 2 complete notes covering MAM1043H at the University of Cape Town. 2021 written notes got me an A…

From Pharmacological Mechanisms to Precision Medicine (BBS3012) cases

From Pharmacological Mechanisms to Precision Medicine (BBS3012) cases from the Maastricht University. 140 page notes cover 8 cases in detail with references.

HSC Legal Studies 2022 notes

HSC Legal Studies notes created for 2022. These 127 page notes cover 2 core and 2 option topics. Received a band 6 in 2021. Notes…

HSC Business Studies 2022 notes

HSC Business Studies complete notes created for 2022. These 100 page notes cover all 4 topics. Received a band 6 in 2021. Notes contain updated…