These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

Radiology BCh (UCD) notes

Radiology notes under BCh from UCD cover the main topics listed above in 43 pages. They are very clear and easy to understand. 1st class…

Orthopaedic BCh (UCD) notes

Orthopaedic notes under BCh from UCD cover the main topics listed above in 18 pages. They are very clear and easy to understand. 1st class…

Bachelor of Medicine (UCD) rotation notes

Bachelor of Medicine rotation notes from the UCD cover 10 topics listed above in 83 pages. They contain answers to common rotation questions. 1st class…

Bachelor of Surgery (UCD) notes

Bachelor of Surgery rotation notes under MB from UCD cover 3 main topics listed above in 61 pages. They are very clear and easy to…

Pediatrics: Bachelor of Medicine (UCD) rotation notes

Pediatrics rotation notes under MB from UCD cover 10 topics listed above in 148 pages. They contain answers to common rotation questions. 1st class Honours.

Criminal Law (LAWS5004/LAWS1016) notes and case guide

Criminal Law notes and case guide for LAWS5004 or LAWS1016 at the USYD. 242 pages long notes got me a HD. Compulsory and additional cases…

Concepts of Biology (BIO100) module 1-3 notes with exam prep

Concepts of Biology (BIO100) module 1-3 notes with exam prep from the Charles Sturt University. Written in 2021, these 290 pages long notes helped me…

Introduction to Equitation Science (ASC148) notes

Introduction to Equitation Science notes under ASC148 from the Charles Sturt University. Written in 2021, these 32 pages long notes helped me to a HD.

Introduction to Marketing (MARKETNG 1001) lecture notes

Introduction to Marketing lecture notes under MARKETNG 1001 from the University of Adelaide. Written in 2018, these 44 pages long notes contain 9 lectures.