These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

Introduction to Management (BM1100) full summary notes

Introduction to Management (BM1100) full summary notes under the Business Management BSc degree from the City, University of London. 35 pages long.

Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103) full summary notes

Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103) full summary notes under the Business Management BSc degree from the City, University of London. 48 pages long.

AP Chemistry – Princeton Review full summary

AP Chemistry full summary based on Princeton Review AP Chemistry textbook. These notes cover hundreds of pages in 48. Sorted by the units, topics, and…

AP Microeconomics – Princeton Review full summary

AP Microeconomics full summary based on Princeton Review AP Microeconomics textbook. These notes cover hundreds of pages in 26. Sorted by the units, topics, and…

AP Macroeconomics – Princeton Review full summary

AP Macroeconomics full summary based on Princeton Review textbook. These notes cover hundreds of pages in 30. Sorted by the units, topics, and subtopics.

Introduction to Epidemiology (PBHL 3001) midterm notes

Introduction to Epidemiology midterm notes covering PBHL 3001 from the University of Colorado Denver. Written in 2021, these 50 pages long notes got me an…

Additive Manufacturing and AM Techniques summary notes

Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing summary notes from the University of Nottingham. Created in 2021, these 66 pages long notes helped me achieve 79% in exam.

Marketing Fundamentals (MARK1012) final exam notes

Marketing Fundamentals final exam notes covering MARK1012 from the University of New South Wales. Updated in 2021, these 14 pages long notes cover 12 lectures.

Microeconomics 1 (ECON1101) definitions of words

Microeconomics 1 definitions of words for ECON1101 from the University of New South Wales. Use this file to know about all the relevant terms in…