These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

IB Biology SL and HL Topic 1: Cell Biology complete notes

Complete notes for the IB DP Biology topic 1, Cell Biology. These are for both SL and HL. Written in 2021, these notes are 26…

Neuropharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33112) full notes

Neuropharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics full notes under PHU33112 from the Trinity College Dublin. 253 page long these notes were written in 2020.

Respiratory & Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33110) full notes

Respiratory & Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics full notes covering PHU33110 from the Trinity College Dublin. These notes are 315 pages long.

Endocrine & Reproductive Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33109) full notes

Endocrine & Reproductive Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics full notes covering PHU33109 from the Trinity College Dublin. These notes are 200 pages long.

IB History Paper 2 full notes – Hitler’s Germany Authoritarian States

IB Diploma History Paper 2 full notes covering Authoritarian States about Hitler's Germany. Written in 2021, these notes are 45 pages long.

Legal Practice Course (LPC) Property Law and Practice full exam notes

Property Law and Practice full exam notes under Legal Practice Course (LPC) from the BPP University. Written in 2020, these note are 36 pages long.

Contracts (LAWS1200) example cases for final exam (HD)

Example cases for the Contracts final exam under LAWS1200 at Macquarie University. Written in 2020, I received a HD using these 33 pages long case…

Contracts (LAWS1200) final exam HD notes

Contracts final exam notes under LAWS1200 from the Macquarie University. These notes are 24 pages long and written in 2020. HD grade received.

Equity (LAWS2015 & LAWS5015) comprehensive notes with case law

Equity comprehensive notes with case law covering LAWS2015 & LAWS5015 at the University of Sydney. They were created in 2020 and 282 pages long.