These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

Introduction to Criminology (CRIM1000) complete revision notes

Introduction To Criminology complete revision notes under CRIM1000 from the University of Queensland. These notes are 83 pages long and very useful.

CFA® Level 1 smart exam cheat sheet

This is a smart CFA Level 1 exam cheat sheet covering all the examinable points from level 1 exam. They were created in 2020 and…

Insurance Law (6FFLK531) all cases

These are all the cases of Insurance Law under the module code 6FFLK531 from the King's College London. They are 73 pages long and updated…

Quantitative Business Analysis (BUSS1020) lecture notes

Quantitative Business Analysis lecture notes for BUSS1020 at the University of Sydney. These notes are 81 pages long and were written in 2019. Graded HD…

Global Foundations of Design (ABPL10004) architectures exam notes

Exam notes for Global Foundations of Design under ABPL10004 at the University of Melbourne. These 43 pages long notes lists all the architectures from lecture…

Government, Politics, and Power (POLSCI 1AA3) complete lecture summary notes

Complete lecture summaries for Government, Politics, and Power under POLSCI 1AA3 from the McMaster University. These notes are 28 pages long and cover from lecture…

Environmental Science (ENS 112) full notes

Environmental Science full notes under ENS 112 from the University of Tampa. They are 76 pages long. These are well organized facts in a easy…

AP Biology full course notes

AP Biology full course notes in 54 pages. You can use these for AP Bio or the university Biology introductory course. Very useful notes to…

Foundations of Law (70102) complete HD summary notes

Foundations of Law (70102) complete summary notes from the UTS - University of Technology Sydney. Received a HD for this course. These notes are 45…