These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

Criminal Law and Procedure (70114) problem questions solving guide

These Criminal Law and Procedure (70114) problem questions solving guide is great for first year students. This will show you how to answer problem questions.

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) all topics notes – Distinction

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) UTS notes cover all topics. I received a Distinction pass for this course. This contains notes for all topics covered in…

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) – Problem questions answer guide

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) - Problem questions answer guide shows how to answer question about various issues. This will discusses relevant cases for each problem.

Torts (70311) Problem Questions model answers & Case summaries

Torts (70311) Problem Questions model answers and important case summaries. These will answer for torts problem questions and short answer questions.

Public International Law (LAWS1023) HD Scaffolds

Public International Law (LAWS1023) HD scaffolds are highly detailed. Use these notes to get the best our of LAWS1023. Easy to ready very clean and…

Torts and Contracts 2 (LAWS1017) Scaffolds – Detailed with cases

Torts and Contracts 2 (LAWS1017) Scaffolds is the only material you need. These notes are detailed with cases. Go through these notes and the exam…

Australian Income Tax (LAWS3412) HD full exam notes

Very comprehensive and up-to-date Australian Income Tax (LAWS3412) notes which are helpful for the mid semester and tailored for the open-book final examination.

Contracts Law (LAWS1015) revision notes

These Contracts Law (LAWS1015) revision notes provide a step by step run-down of the key problem solving considerations of the contracts law. These notes are…

Private International Law A (LAWS2018 & LAWS5017) – Full Comprehensive Notes

Very comprehensive and up-to-date Private International Law A notes which are helpful for the mid semester and CLOSED-BOOK final examination. Primary topics included in these…