These are observantly designed Health Care Law mind maps for 5035LAW exam at Griffith University. You get colour based, perfectly structured mind maps on 18 pages. 

  • Class Year
  • 2016
  • Grade
  • 87%
  • Number of Pages
  • 18
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

These are observantly designed Health Care Law mind maps for 5035LAW exam at Griffith University. You get colour based, perfectly structured mind maps on 18 pages. Mind maps are a great way to visually organize required information. These will help you to know the subject and study it. But most importantly, you can take these to the open-book exam. These mind maps give you step by step ways to apply the law to a hypothetical scenario.

Important: You are only allowed to bring 20 A4 OR 10 A3 sheets to the exam. These mind maps are tall and narrow by design. Therefore colour print these on A3 sheets by fitting them side by side. You can print some of these multiple maps on a single side.

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