These are handwritten, very clear notes covering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Economics higher level, Section 3: International Economics and Section 4: Development Economics. These are very aesthetic notes written using multiple text colours. Important topics and sections are highlighted as well. Under this review, we cover the following sub topics:
- 3.1 International trade
- 3.2 Exchange rates
- 3.3 The balance of payments
- 3.4 Economic integration
- 3.5 Terms of trade
- 4.1. Economic development
- 4.2. Measuring development
- 4.3. The role of domestic factors
- 4.4. The role of international trade
- 4.5. The role of foreign direct investment (FDI)
- 4.6. The roles of foreign aid and multilateral development assistance
- 4.7. The role of international debt
- 4.8. The balance between markets and intervention
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