Any Chemistry student can use these Basic Chemistry notes. They start from the structure of the atom and end with gases in 10 chapters and 80 pages.

  • Class Year
  • 2022
  • Number of Pages
  • 81
  • Staff Rating
  • 4.5/5

These notes cover Basic Chemistry in 10 chapters. Chapters are:

  1. Chapter 1: The structure of the atom
    • This document explains all the concepts about the atom and its components from the different theories of the atom to the development of the electronic configuration. It also provides examples about how to solve problems related to the subject that are resolved step by step to be easy to understand.
  2. Chapter 2: The periodic table and the trends between properties
    • This chapter talk about the utility of the periodic table to understand and predict the properties of all the elements. For instances, elements in the same group of the periodic table will have similar properties.
  3. Chapter 3: Chemical formula nomenclature
    • This chapter talk about the rules to be able to name in a proper way different types of compounds from ionic compounds (metal element + no metal element) to molecular compounds (no metal element + no metal element). Besides, there is a section about how to properly named different types of acids and bases.
  4. Chapter 4: Ionic, covalent and metallic compound
    • In this chapter, we learned about 3 different types of compounds (ionic, covalent and metallic) and the utility of the Lewis structure to display how the different elements are combined. We also learned about polarity and the importance of the hydrogen bonds in the properties of water. Finally, we were able to predict the shapes of the molecules by using Lewis structures and the VSEPR theory.
  5. Chapter 5: Relations of mass in chemical reaction
    • This chapter talks about the relations of mass between elements and compounds and two important concepts: the molar mass and the Avogadro´s number. It also talks about how to calculate the percent composition of elements in different compounds and find out the empirical and molecular formulas of unknown substances.
  6. Chapter 6: Properties of solutions
    • This chapter talks about the different types of mixtures: solutions, colloids and suspensions and the component of every solution: the solute and the solvent. To produce a solution both the solute and the solvent needs to have similar properties especially similar charge or polarity. It also discussed about the concentration of the solutions and 3 different types of units that can be used to express the concentration: molarity, molality and parts per million. Finally, it explains the colligative properties of solutions, how to calculate them and what is the effect of the solute in the different properties studied.
  7. Chapter 7: Chemical reactions
    • This chapter explains about chemical reactions, the different types of chemical reactions and more importantly how to properly balance a chemical reaction. It also explains the components of a chemical reaction: reactants and products and the use of stoichiometry to calculate the quantity of products created or reactant needed. Finally, it discuss about reversible reactions, the equilibrium constant and how to influence the equilibrium to manipulate the outcome of the reaction.
  8. Chapter 8: Acids and bases
    • This chapter explains about acid and base solutions and the reaction of ionization that happened when acids and bases react with water to produce hydrogen and hydroxide ions, respectively. It also explains about the idea of pH, the equilibrium constant of water and the difference between strong acids and bases with weak acid and bases. Finally, we discuss about the reaction of neutralization between acids and bases and how this reaction is used in the process of titration to calculate the concentration of solution of acid and bases unknown.
  9. Chapter 9: Oxidation – reduction
    • This chapter explains about the oxidation and reduction reactions, the transfer of electrons in these reactions and the procedure to balance reaction that contained atoms that can be oxidized and reduced. It also discuss the concept of electrochemical cell and its components: the cathode, the anode and the salt bridge, the concept of standard potential, the diagonal rule to determine which reaction will be reduced and which one will be oxidized and how to calculate the standard potential of the electrochemical cell. Finally, we talked about some application of the electrochemical cell like batteries and electrolysis.
  10. Chapter 10: Gases
    • This chapter explains what are gases and how the movement and collision of gas molecules are influenced by the volume, pressure and temperature of the gas. It also explains about the Gas Laws (Boyle, Charles and Gay-Lussac), the Combined Gas Law and the Avogadro´s Law Finally, it discuss the Ideal Gas Law based on all the previous concepts and Gas Laws. .

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