Exam notes for LAW4702 - Competition and Consumer Law at Monash University. These are 72 pages long exam targeted comprehensive and detailed notes.

  • Summary Source
  • cases, lectures, tutorials, LSS & readings
  • Class Year
  • 2020
  • Grade
  • HD
  • Number of Pages
  • 71
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

Exam notes for LAW4702 – Competition and Consumer Law at Monash University. These are 71 pages long exam targeted comprehensive and detailed notes. I have included facts and principles from cases, covers information from all lectures, tutorials, LSS tutorials and readings. These LAW4702 notes are structured in a checklist and answer way so that all relevant issues are quickly and easily identified. In these notes, many pre-written parts used as a template and can simply be copied in the final exam to save time. These are the perfect resources for both the assignment and the final exam. These notes will help you to turn your D into a HD.

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