Biological Psychology complete H1 notes under PSYC20006 at the University of Melbourne. Written in 2020, 46 pages long notes contributed to a H1 grade.

  • Class Year
  • 2020
  • Grade
  • H1
  • Number of Pages
  • 46
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

All the lectures and assigned readings were used in creating these notes. They are detailed where necessary and aesthetic. A few diagrams are used to visually express the theories. Different colours and font weights are used to point out important facts. Notes are organised based on weeks and lectures topics.

Some of the covered topics are:

  • TMS
  • Statistics
  • EEG, fMRI
  • Neurobiology of memory (HM, hippocampus, temporal lobes, Papez’s circuit, diencephalon, theories of memory & memory disorders)
  • Neuropharmacology (glutamate, GABA, dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, peptides, lipids, nucleosides, gases)
  • Neurogenetics and behavioural genetics

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