These Contracts Law (LAWS1015) revision notes provide a step by step run-down of the key problem solving considerations of the contracts law. These notes are very helpful for revising what to look for in problem questions (with relevant principles).

  • Class Year
  • 2020
  • Grade
  • HD
  • Number of Pages
  • 16
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

These Contracts Law (LAWS1015) revision notes provide a step by step run-down of the key problem solving considerations of the contracts law. These notes are very helpful for revising what to look for in problem questions (with relevant principles). Very succinct.

Contract law provides the legal background for transactions involving the supply of goods and services and is, arguably the most significant means by which the ownership of property is transferred from one person to another. It vitally affects all members of the community and a thorough knowledge of contract law is essential for all practising lawyers.

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