These are 85 pages long and complete Foundations of Law notes covering LAWS1006 from the University of Sydney. I received a HD for this course.

  • Class Year
  • 2017
  • Grade
  • HD
  • Number of Pages
  • 85
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

I used all the resources available to compile these notes as a complete guide. Because of that they have,

  • summaries of the required readings,
  • comprehensive notes from lectures and tutorial discussions and
  • notes from resources relevant to the final assignment.

Important facts are highlighted using different colours.

Use these LAWS1006 notes to save a lot of time preparing your own notes and use the time to do practice questions.That way you too can get a HD. You can forget about the textbook if you have these notes and don’t need to read a lot of random reading. All the exam relevant resources are included in these notes.

Even though these notes were compiled in 2016, as you know the course has remained almost the same over the years.

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