In-depth notes for both LAWS5014 and LAWS2014 that cover Corporations Law at the University of Sydney. These are extremely detailed notes in 155 pages.

  • Lecturer
  • Dr Olivia Dixon
  • Class Year
  • 2016
  • Grade
  • 84%
  • Number of Pages
  • 155
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

In-depth notes for both LAWS5014 and LAWS2014 that cover Corporations Law at the University of Sydney. These are extremely detailed notes in 155 pages. Originally created for LAWS5014. But can be used for LAWS2014 as well.

These notes cover the whole course. I have used the lecture materials as the main source and follow the study guide order. These notes include all the facts and principles of each case in details. Colour coded for easy identification using multiple colors.

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