NCLEX Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN)
NCLEX Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN)
Physiological Integrity (NCLEX-PI)
Psychology A Level (7182)
Biology Higher Level (IB BHL)
Diploma in Law (LPAB-LEC)
Biology A Level (7402)
Legal Studies Year 12 HSC (15220)
Psychology Higher Level (IB PsyHL)
Business Studies Year 12 HSC (15040)
Biology Standard Level (IB BSL)
Corporations Law (LAWS2014)
Equity (LAWS2015)
Cognitive Neuroscience (PSYC 3122)
Administrative Law (LAWS2010)
Strategic Management Accounting (CPA-SMA)
Public International Law (LAWS1023)
Civil and Criminal Procedure (LAWS1014)
History (9389)
Economics Higher Level (IB EHL)
Business Management Higher Level (IB BMHL)
Medicine and Surgery (A100)
History (9489)
Ethics and Governance (CPA-EG)
History Higher Level (IB HHL)
History (1HI0)
HESI Exit Exam (HESI_Ex)
Financial Reporting (CPA-FR)
Contemporary Business Issues (CPA-CBI)
Intro to Property and Commercial Law (LAWS2012)
Learning and Behaviour (PSYCH 203)
AP United States History (APUSH)
Modern History Year 12 HSC (15270)
CFA Level I (CFA-L1)
Audit and Assurance (AAA)
A Level Biology A (Salters-Nuffield) (9BN0)
Global Strategy and Leadership (CPA-GSL)
Advanced Audit and Assurance (CPA-AAA)
Criminal Law (LAWS1016)
Legal Environment of Business (BAFN 231)
Psychology Standard Level (IB Psy SL)
Geography (9696)
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FIN)
Equity (LAWS5015)
Accounting Reports and Analysis (ACCT10001)
Principles of Finance (FNCE10002)
History A Level (H505)
AP Biology (AP Bio)
Geography A Level (7037)
History (0470)
Taxation Australia (TAX AU)
Management Accounting and Applied Finance (MAAF)
Private International Law A (LAWS2018)
Principles of Business Law (BLAW10001)
Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2011)
Evidence (LAWS2016)
Real Property (LAWS2017)
Evidence (70109)
Business Management Standard Level (IB BMSL)
History Standard Level (IB HSL)
Foundations of Law (LAWS1006)
A Level Geography (9GE0)
AP Chemistry (AP Chem)
Biology (0610)
A Level Economics A (9EC0)
AP World History: Modern (APWHM)
Master of Mechanical Engineering (MME)
Biomedical Science BSc (B900)
PDHPE Year 12 HSC (15320)
Corporate Finance I (FINC2011)
Australian Constitutional Law (70616)
Contracts Law (LAWS1015)
Public International Law (LAWS5005)
Contracts (LAWS1200)
Torts (LAWS1012)
Law of Torts (LAW 231)
Chemistry A Level (7405)
AP European History (AP Euro)
Business Studies (0450)
Organisational Behaviour (MGMT20001)
Physics Year 12 (15330)
Geography Higher Level (IB GeoHL)
A Level Business (9BS0)
Chemistry A - A Level (H432)
Biological Psychology (PSYC20006)
Health Promotion and Maintenance (NCLEX-HPM)
Safe Effective Care Environment (NCLEX-SECE)
Economics (9708)
Certificate in ESG Investing (ESG Certificate)
GCSE Physical Education (8582)
CFA Level II (CFA-L2)
Financial Risk Management (CPA-FRM)
Australia Taxation (CPA-AT)
Australia Taxation - Advanced (CPA-ATA)
Criminal Law and Procedure (70114)
Public Law (LAWS5007)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
Torts (70311)
Principles of Public Law (LAWS50024)
Corporate Law (BLAW20001)
Torts (LAWS50025)
Administrative Law (LAWS5010)
Corporations Law (LAWS5014)
Private International Law A (LAWS5017)
Contracts Law (LAWS5002)
Public Law (LAWS1021)
Principles of Private Law (LAWS1150)
Microeconomics 1 (ECON1101)
Introductory Macroeconomics (ECON1002)
Biology Year 12 (15030)
Civil and Criminal Procedure (LAWS5003)
Chemistry (9701)
Finance 1A (ACST1001)
Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS2150)
Biology AS Level (7401)
Psychology AS Level (7181)
History A LEVEL (7042)
Combined Sciences (0653)
Economics (0455)
Economics Standard Level (IB ESL)
Ancient History (15020)
Taxation Law I (BLAW30002)
Introductory Microeconomics (ECON10004)
Computer Science (0478)
Leading and Influencing in Business (BUSS2000)
GCSE Biology (8461)
Bachelor International Business (30029)
Chemistry Higher Level (IB CHL)
HESI Admissions Assessment (HESI A2)
Master of Science (MSc)
Biology (9700)
AP Psychology (AP Psy)
Master of Chemistry (MChem)
ATI TEAS Exam and Prep
Econometrics 2 (ECOM30002)
Investments (FNCE30001)
Accounting, Business and Society (BUSS1030)
Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs (LAWS3046)
Crime and the Criminal Process (LAWS1021)
Australian Constitutional Law (LAW 2501)
Auditing (ACCTG 312)
Legal Method (LAW 131)
Administrative Law (LAW 2504)
Real Property (LAWS5012)
Nursing the Acutely ill Person (NURS5084)
Future of Business (BUSS1000)
Law of Contract (LAW 241)
Intellectual Property Law (LAW 2514)
Competition and consumer law (LAW4702)
Corporate Financial Decision Making (FNCE20005)
Law and Society (LAW 121G)
Taxation Law (LAW4704)
Foundations of Biochemistry (BIOSCI 106)
Life! Origins and Mechanisms (BIOSCI 101)
Epidemiology (PBH 354)
Legal Foundations B (LAWS11-106)
Remedies (LAWS50036)
Biology for Biomedical Science: Organ Systems (MEDSCI 142)
Chemistry Year 12 (15050)
Commercial Contracts (COMLAW 201)
Economics Year 12 HSC (15110)
Equity (LAWS11-313)
Criminal Law (LAWS5004)
Administrative Law (LAWS1160)
Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103)
Derivative Securities (FNCE30007)
Law of Torts (LAWS301)
Legal Foundations (LAW 141)
Public Law (LAW 211)
Physics Higher Level (IB PHL)
Foundations of Law (LAWS5000)
Physics (0625)
A Level Psychology (9PS0)
Chemistry Standard Level (IB CSL)
Sociology A Level (7192)
Physics A Level (7408)
A Level Further Mathematics (9FM0)
A Level Mathematics (9MA0)
Civil Practice (70104)
Criminal Law 1 (LAW1114)
Contract B (LAW2102)
Finance 2: Corporate Finance (IB236)
Research Methods in Psychology A (PSY200)
Psychological Research Methodology I (PSYC1040)
AP Macroeconomics (APMac)
Edexcel iGCSE History (4HI1)
Corporate Finance II (FINC2012)
Investments and Portfolio Management (FINC3017)
Economics for Business Decision Making (BUSS1040)
Principles of Biochemistry (BC 351)
North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)
Business (9609)
Child And Adolescent Health (HNN300)
Sports, Exercise and Health Science Higher Level (IB SEHSHL)
A Level English Literature (9ET0)
A level Politics (9PL0)
Edexcel iGCSE Physics (4PH1)
GCSE English Literature (8702)
Environmental Systems and Societies (IB ESS)
ATI Pharmacology
ATI Maternal Newborn Nursing
A Level Law (H418)
GCSE in Chemistry (1CH0)
Edexcel iGCSE Business (4BS1)
Commercial and Charitable Trusts (LAWS3023)
Public International Law (LAWS2010)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACC1100)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MEDS2003)
Administrative Law (70617)
Introduction to Sociology 2 (SCLG1002)
Foundations of Law (70102 )
Torts and Contracts II (LAWS1017)
Australian Income Tax (LAWS3412)
Money and Banking (ECOS2004)
Succession (LAWS3393)
Introductory Anatomy (ANAT2111)
Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS5011)
Evidence (LAWS5013)
Advanced Financial Management (Finance 351)
Dispute Resolution and Ethics (LAW 3501)
International Law (LAW 1508)
Foundations of International Criminal Law (M33159/LAWW3053)
Introduction to Investments (FINANCE 261)
Introductory Macroeconomics (ECON10003)
Planets, Stars and Galaxies (ASTRO 100G)
Secured Transactions in Commercial Law (LAWS5184)
Secured Transactions in Commercial Law (LAWS3484)
Business Structures for Enterprises (COMLAW 304)
Foundations of Psychological Interventions (PSYC2200)
Corporate Accounting III (ACCTING 3501)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB20002)
Integrated Marketing Communications (MKTG2004)
Property Law (LAW 1506)
Public International Law (70108)
Administrative Law (LAWS2201)
Migration, Refugees and Forced Migration (LAWS5199)
Migration, Refugees and Forced Migration (LAWS3499)
Criminal Laws (LAWS1022)
Lawyers, Ethics and Justice (LAWS1230)
Contracts (LAWS1075)
Introductory Accounting (ACCTING 1002)
Fundamentals of Chemistry 1A (CHEM1011)
Criminal Law (CJUS 3201)
Competition Law (LAWS5119)
Intellectual Property 2: Trade Marks and Patents (LAWS3248)
Foundations of Law (LAW 1501)
Family Law (LAWS3432)
Family Law (LAWS5132)
Australian Taxation System (CLAW3201)
Remedies (200756)
Administrative Law (LAWS11-317)
Equity and Trusts (LAWS50033)
Court Process, Evidence and Proof (LAWS2351)
Evidence (LAW4323)
Financial Accounting (ACCTG 311)
Principles of Biology (BIOL 101)
Marketing Law (BTC3300)
The Legal Profession (LAWS2013)
Financial Accounting (ACCTG 211)
Administrative Law (JURD7160)
Critical Analysis for Business (BM1102)
Business Communication (COMM 205)
Introduction to Management (BM1100)
Social Interaction (PSYC 214)
Financial Reporting and Taxation (F1)
Management Accounting (P1)
Managing Finance in a Digital World (E1)
Law of Evidence (LAWS414)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC 220)
Constitutional Law (LAWS3003)
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
Criminal Law (LAW 201)
Biology for Biomedical Science: Cellular Processes (BIOSCI 107)
Legal Foundations, Research and Writing (LAWS110)
Administrative Law (LAW4331)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECOS2002)
Quantitative Methods 2 (ECON20003)
Applied Business Statistics (BUAD 310)
Accounting in Society (ACCG1000)
Taxation (COMLAW 301)
Criminal Law (LAWS202)
Equity and Trusts (LAWS301)
Commercial Law I: Sales and Consumer Law (LAWS331)
General Psychology (PSYC 111)
Introduction to Property and Commercial Law (70327)
Intellectual Property (MLL410)
Succession (LAW 2523)
Torts (LAWS5001)
Quantitative Business Analysis (BUSS1020)
Mathematics Standard 2 Year 12 (15236)
Taxation Law and Policy (LAWS50046)
Obligations (LAWS50026)
Administrative Law (PADP 6490)
Computer Science (1CP2)
Geography Standard Level (IB GeoSL)
AS Mathematics (8MA0)
Sociology (9699)
Contracts (70211)
Ethics Law and Justice (70103)
Chemistry - IB MYP 4 and 5 (CHEM MYP4&5)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CSB063)
Digital Media Foundations (COMM 362)
Principles of Psychological Assessment (PSYU3332)
Administrative Law (LAWS50032)
Property (LAWS50030)
Constitutional Law (LAWS50028)
Statutory Interpretation (LAWS314)
Torts (LAW1113)
Legal Ethics (LAWS398)
Economics A Level (7136)
Legal Issues in Medicine (LAW4312)
Social Psychology (PSCL 315)
Registration Assessment (GPhC Exam)
Computer Science (J276)
Accounting Information (ACCTG 101)
Physics (1PH0)
Geography A (1GA0)
Developmental Psychology (PSYU2235)
Organisational Psychology (PSYU3338)
Business and Society (BSNS111)
Mathematics (0580)
Accounting (0452)
Chemistry Higher 2 (9729)
Foundations of Law (LAW1111)
Animal Behaviour (ZOOL30006)
Law of the European Union (CL6301)
Religions of the World (REL 1000)
Survey Data Analysis (MKC3500)
A Level Biology B (9BI0)
Psychosocial Integrity (NCLEX-PsyI)
Tort Law (LAWS0013)
Property Law I (LAWS0002)
Property Law II (LAWS0010)
Sports, Exercise and Health Science Standard Level (IB SEHSSL)
Contract Law 1 (M5403)
Population Health (POPLHLTH 111)
AP Microeconomics (APMic)
English Language (9093)
Physics (9702)
Computer Science (9618)
BCh Radiology (BChRd)
Equity and Trusts (LAWS2500)
Issues and Themes in Sociology (SOCIOL 100)
Bachelor in Occupational Safety and Health - Honours (FA0543)
Integrated Systems Anatomy and Physiology (HUMB1001)
Physics for the Life Sciences (PHYSICS 160)
Accounting Fundamentals In Society (ACCY111)
Language B Higher Level (IB LngHL)
Audit and Assurance (AA)
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1010)
Quality and Safety: Comprehensive Nursing Practice (HNN325)
Language A: Literature Higher Level (IB LitHL)
Organs and Organ Systems (BIO1OOS)
GCSE Mathematics (8300)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 1010)
Legal Foundations of the European Union (LFEU)
U.S. Era of Civil War & Recon (UN2432)
A Level History (9HI0)
Edexcel iGCSE Biology (4BI1)
AP Art History (APAHis)
PT Mgt. of the Adult with Neurological Conditions II (PHYT M8621)
Property B (LAW3402)
Strategy, Innovation, and Global Competition (QST SI 422)
Introduction to Information Systems (QST IS 223)
Postcolonial Theory (15PCSC003)
Regional Anatomy and Physiology (9808)
Organisational Behaviour (BUSI97087)
Global Healthcare Marketing (BUSI97098)
Landscape Ecology Laboratory (BIO 319)
Introduction to Management (RSM100H1F)
Psychology A Level (H567)
Edexcel iGCSE Mathematics A (4MA1)
Master of Biological Sciences (MBiolSci)
Child and Adolescent Development (HPS202)
The Human Mind (HPS203)
Computer Science A Level (H446)
Multivariable Calculus and Modelling (MATH1023)
Equity (LAW 306)
Evidence (LAWGENRL 401)
Industrial Relations (HRM 3422)
Master of Physics (MPhys)
Ab Initio Korean (KO1001)
Financial Valuation: Case Study Approach (FINC3015)
CIE Accounting (9706)
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (A-GNP)
ATI Fundamentals of Nursing
ATI Mental Health Nursing
MATH 20 (Calculus)
Studies of Religion II HSC (15380)
Managing Performance (E2)
Strategic Management (E3)
Advanced Management Accounting (P2)
Advanced Financial Reporting (F2)
Financial Strategy (F3)
Personality (PSY2124)
Psychological Science 2: Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC 3111)
Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) (0654)
AP United States Government and Politics (APUSGAP)
Literature in English (0475)
Edexcel IGCSE English Literature (4ET1)
Microeconomics (ECON30010)
Advanced Trusts (LAWS5202)
CFA Level III (CFA-L3)
Equity and Trusts (70517)
Quantitative Methods in Economics (ECON1003)
Sociological Theory (SCLG2601)
Introduction to Socio-Legal Studies (SLSS1001)
Australian Social Policy (SCPL2601)
Introduction to Gender Studies (GCST1602)
Introduction to Sociology 1 (SCLG1001)
Introduction to Cultural Studies (GCST1601)
Managing People and Organisations (21129)
Introduction to International Relations (GOVT1621)
Intermediate International Relations (GOVT2921)
Immunology in Human Disease (IMMU3202)
Marketing Research (MKTG1002)
Introduction to Politics (GOVT1641)
Microbes, Infection and Immunity (MEDS2004)
Introductory Microeconomics (ECON1001)
Taxation New Zealand (TAX NZ)
Capital Markets and Institutions (FINS1612)
Evolution and the Modern World (BIOS2500)
Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science (BIOS1301)
Construction Project Management Theory (BLDG1023)
Construction Materials (BLDG1012)
Building Measurement (BLDG1014)
Introduction to Construction Management & Property (BLDG1013)
Digital Transformation in Business (INFS1602)
Labour Law (LAWS5146)
Labour Law (LAWS3446)
Taxation Law (LAWS13-528)
Employment Law (COMLAW 314)
Medical Law (LAWS3452)
Performance Measurement and Evaluation (ACCTG 323)
Principles of Company Law (70107)
Actuarial Practice and Control I (ACTL40006)
Actuarial Practice and Control II (ACTL40007)
Actuarial Practice and Control II (ACTL90011)
Actuarial Practice And Control I (ACTL90010)
Actuarial Practice and Control III (ACTL40009)
Actuarial Practice and Control III (ACTL90009)
Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality (SPORTSCI 100G)
Insurance Law and Risk (LAWS3503)
Behavioural Perspectives of Lifespan (NURS2003)
Banking and Financial Instruments (LAWS5113)
Banking and Financial Instruments (LAWS3413)
Business Negotiations (IBUS6018)
Company Law (COMLAW 203)
Equity (LAW 2502)
Insolvency Law (LAWS3445)
Legal Analysis and Critique (200978)
Community Health Nursing (NURS6022)
Foundations of Computing (COMP10001)
Food for a Healthy Planet (UNIB10009)
Secured Transactions Law (LAW 3542)
Aboriginal Sydney Now (013992)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (UNIB10014)
Revenue and Cost Management (ACCTG331)
Advanced Contracts (76047)
Bookkeeping and Trust Accounts (LAWS11-321)
Cities, Planning, Law and Justice (JURD7773)
Cities, Planning, Law and Justice (LAWS3073)
Criminal Procedure (LAW7645)
Economics 120 (EKN 120)
Financial Accounting 121 (FRK 121)
Industrial and Organisational Psychology 121 (BDO 121)
Commercial Law 120 (KRG 120)
Concepts of Neuroanatomy (ANAT2010)
Building and Construction Law (76043)
Life Contingencies (ACTL90005)
Contingencies (ACTL30003)
General Mathematics 2 (Maths 208)
Thermodynamics 1 (CHE2164)
Thermodynamics (MEC2405)
Competition and Consumer Law (5021LAW)
Firms across Frontiers (INTBUS 300)
Auditing III (ACCTING 3502)
Jurisprudence (LAWS4111)
Mental Health Nursing Practice (NURS5085)
Real Property Law (LLAW3221)
Biology of Cells and Organisms (BIOL10004)
Marketing Fundamentals (MKTG1001)
Sustainability and Us (SUSTAIN 100)
Australian Health Care - Global Context (NURS6029)
Introduction to Finance Principles (FNCE2000)
Human Anatomy and Histology (MEDS2005)
Introduction to Criminology (PICT1030)
Drugs Across Cultures (ANTH1006)
Introduction to Psychology I (PSYU1104)
Litigation and dispute resolution (LAW4303)
Chinese Laws and Chinese Legal Systems (LAWS5368)
Chinese Laws and Chinese Legal Systems (LAWS3068)
Civil Procedure II (2230)
Constitutional Law (LAWS11-216)
Public Health and Preventive Medicine (BMS1042)
Critical Thinking (PHIL 105G)
The American Constitution (POLS 2100)
American Political Systems (POLS 1150)
Language as a Cognitive System (LING1002)
Calculus 3 for Honours Mathematics (MATH 237)
Marketing to the World (MARKETNG 3501)
Molecular Disease Mechanisms (376-0209-00L)
IP: Copyright and Designs (LAWS3480)
IP: Copyright and Designs (LAWS5180)
Biology for Science Majors Lecture I (BIOL 1110)
Biology for Science Majors Laboratory I (BIOL 1111)
Integrative Neuroscience: From Fetus to Adult (MEDSCI 317)
Contemporary Issues in Accounting M (ACCT 5015)
Management Decisions and Control (22421)
Law of Associations (200018)
Podiatric Management of Diabetes in Aotearoa (PODY605)
History of Economic Thought (ECOS3004)
Anti-Discrimination Law (LAWS3411)
Accounting and Financial Management 1A (ACCT1501)
Global Business Environment (MGMT1001)
Police Systems (CJUS 3300)
Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice (CJUS 2600)
Crime and Justice in the United States (CJUS 2100)
Criminal Investigation (CJUS 4360)
Foundations of Marketing Practice (MKTG 3650)
Essentials of Chemistry (CHM101)
Competition Law (LAWS3022)
Private International Law B (LAWS5157)
Private International Law B (LAWS3457)
Business Law And Ethics (LEB 323)
Governing International Business (INTBUS 305)
Consumer Behaviour (MKTG 303)
Competition Law (LAWS3419)
Nanotechnology in Biomedical Engineering (AMME5958)
Nanotechnology in Biomedical Engineering (BMET5958)
Commercial Law (LAWCOMM 401)
Biological Psychology (PSYC2400)
Introductory Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC1000)
Global Business (BSB119)
Law of Banking (LAWS3133)
Company Law (LAWS2301)
Economic Policy in Global Context (ECOP2612)
Divided Societies (GOVT3989)
Development in Emerging Economies (ECOP2619)
The Social Contract (PHIL 008)
Strategic Management (WORK6002)
Human Physiology (BIOSC 1250)
Law of Torts II (LAWS2703)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECC1100)
Corporate Finance 1 (BFC2140)
Introduction to Microeconomics (ECO 304k)
Business and the Law (TABL1710)
Wills and Succession (LAWS413)
Marketing (BSB126)
Physics IA (PHYSICS 1100)
Middle East II (HIST 161)
Introduction to Linear Algebra (MATH08057)
Sport Marketing and Media (21656)
Corporate Law (LAW 2505)
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1342)
Income Tax Law (LAWS3101)
Medicine MBChB (Phase 3A)
Building Construction (Property 281)
Business Negotiations (IBUS3107)
Assessing Food Intake and Activity (HSN305)
Health Care Law (5035LAW)
Civil Procedure I (6006)
Cost and Management Accounting (ACCT222)
Human Geography: People, Places, and Cultures (GEOG 1101)
Health Psychology (PSYC 3360)
Principles of Private Law (JURD7150)
Health of Indigenous Populations (NURS6033)
Theories of Law (5195LAW)
Introduction to Anatomy (ANAT1001)
Childhood and Adolescence (PSYC 315)
Health Assessment (HAS108)
International Commercial Transactions (LAWS5138)
International Commercial Transactions (LAWS3438)
Civil Procedure (LAWS5215)
Human Biology - Special Studies Program (BIOL1998)
Economics of Competition and Strategy (ECOS2201)
Employment Law (MLC309)
Employment Law (JURD7328)
Employment Law (LAWS3028)
Evidence (LAWS11-318)
Intellectual Property Law (LAWS330)
Intro to Property and Commercial Law (LAWS5008)
Investment Analysis (25503)
Principles of Management (MAN 3025)
Personal Property Transactions (LAWS11-314)
Introduction to Alternative Investment (FIN 423)
Quantum Mechanics I (PHY356H1)
Economic Principles (ECNM08004)
General Biology I FA5 (BIO-110)
Marketing Decision Analysis (MKC2130)
Psychology 1B (PSY1022)
Industrial Organisation (EC347)
Marketing Fundamentals (MKTG 11000D)
Sport and the Law (LAW4340)
Accounting Information Systems (ACCTING 2503)
Alternative Dispute Resolution (LAW157)
MD Program - Problem-based learning (MD PBL)
European History (K001117)
Introduction to the History of Political Ideologies (K001323)
Auditing and Assurance (ACC3600)
Auditing and Assurance (ACF3600)
Australian Public Law (LAWS1205)
Bankruptcy and Insolvency (LAWS4282)
History of International Relations since 1945 (HIRs1945)
Business Associations (LAWS1091)
Cognitive Psychology (PSYC3012)
Commercial and Charitable Trusts (JURD7623)
Commonwealth Constitutional Law (LAWS2202)
Commonwealth Constitutional Law (LAWS6202)
Constitutional Law (LAW2211)
Contract Law (LAW 1510)
Contracts (LAW 1503)
Corporations Law (LAW3112)
Corporations Law (LAWS11-316)
Cost Management (ACCT20001)
Criminal Law and Procedure (LAW 2503)
Introduction to Medical Radiations (CSB012)
Discrimination and the Law (LAWS310)
Quantitative Economics and Econometrics (ECON0019)
Production and Operations Management (COMM 225)
MB ChB Medicine (A100)
Evidence and Advocacy (LAW 3502)
Family Law (LAW 2512)
Family Law (76516)
Communications (ELEC3505)
Small Business Management (BUS 402)
Dental Medicine (DM MA)
Philosophy 1A: How Should I Think? (PHIL1010)
Philosophy 1B: How Should I Live? (PHIL1011)
Classical Civilisation 1A: Early Greece, from Troy to Plataea, 776-479 BC (CLASSIC1001)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB2001)
Law (Jurisprudence)
Social Environment and Behaviour (PSBE2-04)
Environmental Law (LAWS5134)
Neural and Visceral Anatomy (HUBS2103)
Succession (JURD7493)
Australian Income Tax (LAWS5112)
Insolvency Law (LAWS5145)
Introduction to Neuroscience (NRSC 2100)
Economics Year 11 Preliminary (11110)
Animal, Plant And Microbial Life (BIO1APM)
Organic Chemistry (CHM 201)
Law and Psychiatry (LAWS448)
Legal Ethics (LAWS463)
International Human Rights Law (LAWS467)
Not-for-Profit Law (LAWS486)
Accidents and the Law (LAWS488)
Crime and Property (LAWS418)
Law and Medicine (LAWS447)
Wills and Trusts (LAWS462)
Public Law (LAWS204)
Property Law (LAWS203)
Company Law (LAWS407)
Criminal Law (LAWS201)
Labour Law (LAWS413)
Jurisprudence (LAWS302)
Law of Contract (LAWS202)
Law and Emerging Technologies (LAWS428)
Equity and Trusts (LAWS6205)
Equity and Trusts (LAWS2205)
Human Anatomy And Physiology I (BIOL 251)
Microeconomics (ECON 201)
Law and Economics (ECON 303)
Accounting Concepts (ACCTG 102)
Corporations & Partnerships (LAWS3210)
Equity (LAWS2310)
Administrative Law (LAWS3002)
Commercial Law (LAWS3950)
Evidence (LAWS3001)
International Trade (ECON 341)
Macroeconomics (ECON 211)
International Finance (ECON 352)
Foundations of International Business (INTBUS 201)
Foundations of Strategy (INTBUS 202)
Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
Advanced Performance Management (APM)
Consumer Behaviour (MARS604)
Marketing Insights (MARS501)
Legal System: Legal Method and Institutions (LAWS101)
Usability (FIT3175)
Principles of Neuroscience (MEDSCI 206)
Research and Applications of Psychology (PSYC3011)
Principles of Pharmacology (BIOM2402)
Mixed Methods Research in Health Psychology (PSYC3004)
Human Resources Development (MGMT2009)
Organisational Behaviour (MGMT2000)
Work, Family and Community (PSYC3001)
Cells to Organisms (BIOL1040)
Retail Management (MKTG30006)
Principles of Criminal Law and Procedure (LAW5001)
Neural Information Processing (NEUR3006)
Torts (LAWS206)
Advanced Media Issues (ARTS3091)
General Biology I (BIO 121)
International Politics of Economic Relations (POLI 243)
Functional Human Anatomy (HLTH 2221)
Financial Reporting (CPAC-C1)
Federal Constitutional Law (JURD7250)
Old Regime and Revolution: France, 1750-1815 (HISTORY 224)
Human Biology (BIOL1008)
Human Biology (MEDS1001)
Income Tax (LAWS4221)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACTG 1P91)
Commercial Law (ACTG 2P40)
Introduction to Legal Studies (LWSO 201)
Food and Nutrition in Health (NUTR1001)
The Australian Health Care System (PBHL1001)
Receiverships and Reconstructions (COMLAW 303)
Bioethics (HPSC1000)
General Chemistry for Engineers (CHEM135)
Care and Chronic Conditions (NURS6018)
Chemistry 2 (CHEM10004)
Molecules, Cells and Organisms (BIOL1001)
The Economics of Financial Markets (ECOS3022)
LLB Law (M100)
Italian Renaissance Art History (ART 434)
Operating Systems (CS 149)
Introduction to Database Management Systems (CS 157A)
Data Structures and Algorithms (CS 146)
Marketing Foundations (24108)
Economics for Business (23115)
The Financial System (25556)
Child Trauma and Abuse (CYW605)
Microeconomics for Business (ECON 351x)
Macroeconomics for Business (ECON 352x)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (BUAD 280)
Introduction to Managerial Accounting (BUAD 281)
Business Finance (BUAD 306)
Earthquakes (GEOL 240)
The Universe (ASTR 100)
Communication Strategy in Business (BUAD 302)
Exploring Ethnicity Through Film (AMST 274)
Strategic Management (BUAD 497)
Organizational Behavior and Leadership (BUAD 304)
Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB-B121)
Physiological Systems (PS-B121)
Physical Activity and Health (PAH-B121)
Genes and Gene Action 2 (BILG08003)
Cells to Organisms 2 (BIME08011)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC207)
Introductory Psychology - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition (PSYC105)
Cognition (PSYC208)
Personality (PSYC211)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS 3600)
From Molecules to Ecosystems (BIOL1007)
Death and Inheritance Law (LAWS5127)
Financing Enterprises (200910)
Flow of Genetic Information (BIOL2010)
Research Methods in Psychology I (PSYC 311)
Case Study - ACA Advanced Level (ICAEW-ALCS)
Law, Lawyers and Society (LAWS1100)
Foundations of Law (LAWS1000)
Clinical Neuropsychology MSc (66604)
Property (LAWS2204)
Information Technology in Biomedicine (COMP5424)
Civil Procedure (LAWS11-319)
Taxation Law (LAWS352)
Contracts (JURD7175)
Malaysian Business Law (BTW1042)
Intellectual Property and Innovation (COMLAW 320)
IP: Trademarks and Patents (LAWS3479)
Intermediate Econometrics (ECMT2150)
Sports Law (LAWS13-543)
Contracts (LAW 521)
Civil Procedure (LAW 433)
Employment Law (LAW 361J)
Federal Criminal Law (LAW 323F)
Introduction to Investments (125.241)
Energy, Earth and Ecosystems (GEO 131)
AP Calculus AB (AP AB)
MICPA Audit & Assurance (AAA)
The Australian Experience (HIST1051)
Chemistry (0620)
Advanced Computer Architecture (ECS 201A)
Equity (Paper 40)
Land Law (M32001)
Brain and Behavior (PSYC 314)
Cognition (PSYC 340)
Research Methods (PSYC 207)
Introduction to Neuroscience (NSCI 320)
Psychopathology (PSYC 380)
Criminal Punishment and Society (SOCI 3150)
Criminology (SOCI 3810)
Criminal Justice Administration (POLS 3600)
Policy Implementation (PADP 8630)
Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector: Theory and Practice (PADP 7210)
Human Motor Skill Development (APA 3121)
Labour And Employment Relations (HRIR 3450)
Youth Realities (HSRV104)
Organisational Behaviour (MGMT2007)
International Strategic Management (BUSI3020)
Conflict Management (CM-56604)
Environmental Science (ENS 112)
Government, Politics, and Power (POLSCI 1AA3)
Global Foundations of Design (ABPL10004)
Insurance Law (6FFLK531)
Introduction to Criminology (CRIM1000)
Taxation (LAWS5053)
Introduction to Economic Statistics (ECMT1010)
Remedies, Reparations and Resolution in Law (LAWS5000)
Evidence (LAWS399)
Constitutional Law (LAW314)
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (400868)
Biomechanics (401140)
Applied Biomechanics (401147)
Equity and Trusts (LA3002)
International Relations (5AAOB205)
International Business (5SSMN238)
States and Markets (4YYR0001)
Sociology of Work (4SSMN139)
Project Management for Graphic Communications (GCM 375)
Brand Management (MMK280)
Business Ethics (MMM343)
Business Marketing (MMK368)
Consumer Behaviour (MMK266)
Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age (MMK295)
Marketing Insights (MMK365)
Services Marketing (MMK251)
Law for Commerce (MLC101)
The Global Economy (MAE203)
Mathematics Standard 2 Year 11 (11236)
Research Methods in Sociology (SOCI 3580)
Physics for Life Sciences II (PHYS1070)
Biological Concepts of Health (BIOL1080)
Abnormal Psychology (PSY30010)
Statistical Practice 1 (STA60001)
Psychology of Personality (PSY30008)
Psychological Criminology (CR6015)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (KINESIOL 1A03)
Communication Law (COMM-401)
Social Movements in Europe and North America (POL 344)
Justifying Religious Belief (RLG209H1)
History of Britain: Struggle for Power (HIS 349H1)
Sociology of Health (SOCI 2050)
Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 (HFB2117)
Physiologic and Pharmacologic Considerations for Health Promotion (NURS 314)
Professional Role of the Registered Nurse (NURS 310)
Fundamentals of Nursing Care in the Context of Older Adults (NURS 317)
Health Assessment (NURS 319)
Planet Earth (EESC101)
Classical Civilisation A Level (H408)
Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 110)
Microbiology (BIO 255)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 2010)
Introduction to Managerial Accounting (ACCT 2101)
Programming I (CS 200)
Introduction to the Law of Property Relations (LA103)
Criminal Law (LA104)
Tort Law (LA124)
Contract Law (LA243)
Business Cycles and Asset Markets (ECOS3021)
LPC Property Law and Practice (LPC-PLP)
Endocrine & Reproductive Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33109)
Respiratory & Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33110)
Neuropharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics (PHU33112)
International Politics (INTS10001)
Economic Development (ECON30002)
Film and Media History and Theory Post-1960 (FILM 218)
Civil Procedure (LAW 540)
Constitutional Law (LAW 590)
Contract Law (LAW 510)
Criminal Law (LAW 500)
Real Property (LAW 520)
Property (LAW 505)
Civil Procedure II (LAW 507)
Civil Procedure I (LAW 506)
Criminal Law (LAW 510)
Contracts I (LAW 502)
Physics AS Level (7407)
History of Economic Thought (ECON0008)
AS Further Mathematics (8FM0)
Economics (ECON0002)
Mathematics for Economics (ECON0010)
Applied Economics (ECON0004)
The World Economy (ECON0007)
Immunology in Health and Disease (INIM0006)
High Density Living and Co-Ownership (LAWS741)
Principles of Forensic Science (65242)
Chemistry 2 (65212)
Criminal Procedure (6360)
Corporations (6250)
Evidence (6230)
EU Law II (LAW2038)
Introductory Accounting for Business (BF1120)
AS Level Business (8BS0)
Music (1MU0)
English Literature (1ET0)
Quantitative Methods 1 (ECON10005)
Circuit, Systems & Behavioral Neuroscience (MCB 161)
Survey of Biochem & Molecular Biology (MCB 102)
Genetics, Genomics & Cell Biology (MCB 104)
Chemical Foundations (CHEM0005)
Survey Design and Analysis (3003PSY)
Counselling Theory and Practice (3005PSY)
Behaviour Change Skills (3018PSY)
Mathematics (1MA1)
Fluid Mechanics I (CIVE40008)
Structural Mechanics I (CIVE40006)
Mechanics I (CIVE40005)
Computational Methods I (CIVE40004)
Programs, Information and People (SI 106)
Drama (1DR0)
Medical Imaging Methods (CSB036)
Systematic Imaging Pathology (CSB020)
Computed Tomography Imaging (CSB056)
General Radiography 1 (CSB021)
General Radiography 2 (CSB034)
Image Interpretation (CSB034)
Advanced Imaging Practice 1 (CSH068)
Complementary Imaging Techniques (CSB046)
Foundations of Clinical Practice (CSB046)
Business - IB MYP 4 and 5 (BUS MYP4&5)
Psychology 1: Introduction to Psychological Science (PSY 1)
LPC Professional Conduct and Regulation (LPC-PCR)
LPC Private Acquisitions (LPC-PA)
LPC Business Law and Practice (LPC-BLP)
LPC Corporate Finance (LPC-CF)
LPC Civil Litigation (LPC-CL)
LPC Advanced Commercial Litigation (LPC-ACL)
LPC Solicitor's Accounts (LPC-SA)
Organic Chemistry 1 (01:160:307)
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (CSH600)
Social Consequences of Mobile Communication (COMM 464)
Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC3060)
Design and Statistics III (PSYU3349)
Experimental Neuroscience (PSYU3354)
Introduction to Law (QST LA 245)
Modeling Business Decisions and Market Outcomes (QST QM 222)
Workforce Essentials (PPP100)
Public International Law (LAWS50041)
Dispute Resolution (LAWS50027)
Principles of Economics II (ECON 1012)
International Law of the Sea (LAWS4224)
Criminal Law (LAWS11-203)
Public Law and Statutory Interpretation (LAW1112)
Property A (LAW2112)
Marketing Metrics and Analysis (LD9706)
People, Community and Disability (SWB306)
Economics (YEC11)
Criminal Law and Procedure B (LAWS2114)
Fundamentals of Information Technology (BTM 200)
Offender Profiling (2011CCJ)
International Criminal Law (LAWS416)
Contract Law (LAWS105)
Public Law BTT (BTT-1)
Property/Land Law BTT (BTT-5)
Equity and the Law of Trusts BTT (BTT-6)
English Legal System BTT (BTT-7)
Biology Year 11 (11030)
Child and Family Law (LAWS309)
Company Law (LAWS305)
Law and Medicine (LAWS383)
Principles of Public International Law (LAWS324)
Relationship Property and Family Finance (LAWS310)
Issues in Policing, Prosecution and Alternatives to Prosecution (CRJU307)
Law and Sport (LAWS351)
Human Rights in Australian Law (LAW4172)
Advanced Taxation Law (LAW4322)
Animal Law (LAW4230)
Nursing Care of the Adult 2 (NURS 240)
Molecular Cell Biology I (BIOL2200)
Integrative Cell & Tissue Biology (BIOM2011)
Systems Physiology (BIOM2012)
Psychological Research Methodology II (PSYC2010)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC2030)
Neuroscience for Psychologists (NEUR2020)
Introduction to Cognitive Science (CogSci 200)
Human Anatomy (BMD113)
Probability (MAST20004)
Intellectual Property (LAWS444)
Contract Law (LAW10011)
Business Organisations (LAW456)
Business Organisations (LAWS256)
Business Studies Year 11 Preliminary (11040)
Software Design and Development Preliminary (11340)
Physics Year 11 (11310)
Geographies of Global Change (GEO1106)
Chemistry 1 (CHM1011)
Law of Delict (PVL3003F)
Australian Governments and Public Policy (POL 207)
Management Studies (GCM 370)
Tort Law (LAW5001)
Equity and Trusts (LAW5003)
Criminal Law (LAW4002)
World of Chemistry: Food (CHEM 181)
GCSE History (8145)
Advanced macroeconomics (ES30026)
Financial Accounting and Reporting (ACCG2024)
International Business (MGCR 382)
Understanding the Global Economy (ECON 151)
Disease Processes of the Eye 1 (OPTM3105)
A Level Biology (H420)
Foundations of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (EPID1000)
Business Statistics (STAT150)
Microeconomic Principles (ECON111)
Pharmacology 2 (91709)
Interpreting Business Data (BSNS112)
Economic Principles and Policy (BSNS113)
Financial Decision Making (BSNS114)
Accounting and Information Systems (BSNS115)
Equity and Trusts (CL6331)
Conceptual Issues and Critical Debates in Psychology (PSYC3034)
The Psychology of Chronic Illness (PSYC3077)
English Literature B A Level (7717)
Basic Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCH 301W)
Cognition (PSY2COG)
Clinical Foundations Of Psychological Science (PSY1CFP)
Commercial & Investment Banking (7SSMM702)
Torts: The Common Law Process (1LTorts)
Additional Mathematics (0606)
Understanding Crime and Deviance (UCD-ML9J)
Microbiology (BIO1337)
Genetics (BIO1334)
Biochemistry (BIO1332)
Science in Our World (SCIT140)
Principles of Marketing (MKC1200)
Banking: Theory and Practice (FINA3304)
Competition and Strategy (ECON20005)
Statistics and Data Analysis I (OMIS 40)
Microbiology (MICR501)
Principles of Chemistry (CHEM501)
Digital Marketing (MKTG3006)
Marketing Fundamentals (SMM542)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON20001)
Health, Ethics and the Law (HSBH3004)
Biomechanical Principles (SSEH3355)
Ecology in Changing Environments (ECOL30006)
SSP Chemistry 1A (CHEM1991)
Behavioural Finance (FINS3655)
Finance Theory - Corporate Finance (FNCE90042)
Advanced Network Technologies (COMP5416)
Physiology of Integrated Organ Function (PHYL3004)
Introductory Biology of Organisms (BIOL 103)
Vertebrate Physiology (BIO 3421)
Genetics (BIO 2450)
Microbiology (BIO 2400)
Introduction to Human Development (PSY203) (PSY203)
Introduction to Psychology A (PSY100)
Biology AS Level (2400QS)
Foundations of Biochemistry (BIOC192)
Human Thought and Behaviour (PSYC112)
Human Body Systems 2 (HUBS192)
The Brain Gym: An Introduction to Logic (PHIL208)
Psychology IA (PSYCHOL 1000)
Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCHOL 1004)
Animal Developmental Biology (BLGY2262)
Organismal Evolution (BLGY2223)
Advanced Topics in Behaviour: From Sex to Death (BLGY3135)
Digital Finance (CPA-DF)
Chemistry of Molecular Systems (CHEM50005)
International Law (LAW 770)
Tort Law (LAW 1507)
European Convention on Human Rights (LAWW3014/M33105E1)
Criminal Law (LAWW2014/M32156E2)
Fundamentals of Information Systems (ISTM 210)
Employment Law (LAWS50064)
Economic Analysis of Law (LAWS90187)
Corporations Law (LAWS50035)
Criminal Law and Procedure (LAWS50034)
Microbiology and Human Health (MICR:3164)
Applied Company Law (79014)
General Chemistry 2 (CHEM 120)
Chemistry 1A (CHEM1111)
Resolving Civil Disputes (LAWS2371)
Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 3511)
Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 231)
Quantitative Methods for Business (DMS111)
Experimental Economics (ECC3600)
Market Analysis and Strategy Development (MKC3110)
Integrated Marketing Communication (MKC3460)
Principles of Financial Regulation (LAWS6345)
Genetics (300845)
Leadership & Behavioral Management (MGT 828)
Topics in Business - Consumer Analytics (MGT 821)
Strategic Management (MGT 895)
Management Control Systems (ACCTG 814)
Quantitative Business Analysis (MGT 826)
Human Anatomy (PT 1011)
American Government in Comparative Perspective (INTA 1200)
Microeconomic Theory: Honors Level (ECON2203)
Principles of Economics (ECON1101)
Macroeconomic Theory - Honors (ECON2204)
Public Finance (ECON3365)
Molecules, Cells and Genes (BABS1201)
Higher Chemistry 1A: Atoms, Molecules and Energy (CHEM1031)
History AS Level (7041)
Brain and Behaviour (PSYC111)
International Relations - Introduction (POLS104)
MÄori Society (MAOR102)
Business Finance (FNCE20001)
Financial Accounting Theory (ACCT30001)
Enterprise Performance Management (ACCT30002)
Pediatric & Maternity Nursing (NUR 419)
Data Management (BUSAN 201)
Debates in Criminology (CRIM 201)
Biomolecules and Cells (BIOL10002)
Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering (MPB231)
Nanomaterials (MPC312)
Advanced Materials Characterisation (MPB209)
Jurisprudence (LAW214)
Jurisprudence (LAWS2100)
Criminal Law (LAWS0007)
Contract Law (LAWS0001)
Principles of Animal Science (ASCI 112)
Pharmaceutics I for PharmD (PHS 3601)
European Union Law (LAWS0014)
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (LAWS0011)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (P3001)
Mathematics Higher Level (IB MHL)
Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology III Part 1 (VET SC 3520ARW)
Environmental Management: Principles and Values (GEOG216)
Marketing Fundamentals (MARK1012)
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing (MMME4102)
Introduction to Epidemiology (PBHL 3001)
Contract (CL4301)
Public Law (CL4304)
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Practice 2 (PHTY300)
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice 3 (PHTY301)
Neurological Physiotherapy Practice 1 (PHTY302)
Chemistry 1B: Elements, Compounds and Life (CHEM1021)
Statistics for Life and Social Science (MATH1041)
Clinical Psychology (PY1CL)
Administrative Law (LLH206)
Tort Law 1 (M5402)
English Legal System (M3036)
Justice, Equality and Society (M3038)
Evidence (MLL334)
Corporate Law (70417)
GCSE Physics (8463)
GCSE Chemistry (8462)
Accounting for Decision Makers (ACFI1001)
Legal System and Method I (LAWS1010)
Psychology Introduction 1 (PSYC1010)
Company Law (ComLaw)
Law of Torts (TortsLaw)
Land Law (LandLaw)
International Business Environment (IBE)
Business Information Systems (BIS)
Financial Accounting A (ACCT2011)
Bank Financial Management (BANK3011)
Corporations Law (CLAW2201)
Management Accounting A (ACCT2012)
Accounting and Auditing in Practice (ACCT3600)
Financial Statement Analysis (ACCT3013)
Financial Accounting B (ACCT3011)
Human Physiology (BIO 3322)
International Business Strategy (IBUS2101)
Rhetoric (ENC 3021)
Derivative Securities (FINC3012)
Trading and Dealing in Security Markets (FINC3014)
Water for Sustainable Futures (UNIB20012)
Machine Learning and Data Mining (COMP5318)
Principles of Data Science (COMP5310)
Succession (LAWS4236)
Water Treatment (CIV4288)
Travel and Tourism (9395)
The Process of Communication (COMM 1000)
World Regional Geography (GEOG 1700)
General Psychology I (PSYC 1100)
Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLS 1202)
Money and Banking (ECON 2411)
Property Issues and Trends (PROPERTY 380)
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (PSYC30014)
Sociology (SOC 1100)
Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers (BMET2901)
Biomedical Engineering 1B (BMET1961)
Intro to Macroeconomics (ECON 1010)
Insurance & Risk Management (LGST 4140)
Infancy (PSYC 3260)
Biodiversity (STF1053)
Biological Oceanography (STA1833)
Control System Engineering (KNL3353)
Advanced Intro to Genetics: Honors (BIO 315H)
A Level Geography (H481)
Business and Technology (BT)
Financial Accounting (FA)
Forensic Biology (FORB201)
Microbes to Medicine (MICR221)
Topics in Sub-Saharan African Politics (GOVT-433)
Metropolitan Politics (GOVT-240)
Power, Privilege, and Inequality (SOCY-210)
Introduction to Marketing (MARKETNG 1001)
Introduction to Equitation Science (ASC148)
Concepts of Biology (BIO100)
Bachelor of Medicine (MB)
MB Pediatrics (MBPed)
Bachelor of Surgery (BCh)
Psychopharmacology (PSYC359)
Law of Trusts (LA307)
ATI Comprehensive (ATI comprehensive)
Relational Database Systems (INFS2200)
Advanced Database Systems (INFS3200)
Marketing Management (MKT 301)
Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior (MGT 301)
Human Resource Management (MGT 367)
Contemporary Political Philosophy (6442DCPP)
General Biology I (BIOL 105)
Approaches to Psychological Theories of the Person (Psychology 213)
Human Development (Psychology 223)
Research Design in Psychology (Psychology 243)
Dental Anatomy and Occlusion (NBDE I)
Financial Statement Analysis (22319)
Information Processes and Technology Year 11 (11210)
Marketing Principles (MKTG1001)
Diploma of Community Services - Case Management (CHC52015)
Financial Management (FM)
Digital Systems (INFOSYS 110)
Business and Enterprise 1 (BUSINESS 101)
Human Cultures: Introduction to Social Anthropology (ANTHRO 100)
W. P. Carey Capstone Course (WPC 480)
International Management (MGT 459)
Leading Organizations (MGT 411)
Principles of International Business (MGT 302)
Organizational Behavior (MGT 320)
Energy in Everyday Life (SES 141)
Problem Solving and Actionable Analytics (WPC 300)
Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in Business (LES 305)
Global Supply Operations (SCM 300)
Nutritional Science (BIOSCI 358)
Nutrition, Diet and Gene Interactions (MEDSCI 315)
Principles of Microbiology (BIOSCI 204)
Life Cycle Nutrition (POPLHLTH 206)
Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology (VET-10001)
New Zealand Social Policy and Social Justice (SOCIOL 103)
Mind, Brain and Behaviour (PSYCH 109G)
Criminology (CRJ 203)
Problems in American History: 1865 to Present (HIST 371)
Rhetorical Theory (COMS 327)
Diversity and the Media (JOUR 372)
World Revolutions (HIST 3383)
Corporate Finance (FNCE30002)
From Hackers to CEOs: An Introduction to Information Security (ITP 125)
Marketing Fundamentals (MMK101)
Advanced Financial Accounting (BAO3309)
The Science of Human Nature (HPS110H1)
Geology of U.S. National Parks (GLG 141)
Grade 11 History of Canada (30F)
Economics and Finance for Engineering Projects (48250)
Exploring Psychology: from Brain to Practice (PY1101)
Critical Thinking in Psychology: How to Think about Weird Things (PY1103)
Anthropology: Cultural Diversity in Global Perspective (AN1001)
Anatomy and Physiology (4BY506)
Chemistry of Life (4FO508)
Research and Practical Methods (4BY514)
Introduction to Biological and Developmental Psychology (4PS521)
Clinical Genetics (4BY535)
Concepts of Human Health and Wellbeing (4BH500)
Applied Mathematics (1MA148)
Data Driven Decisions for Business (DDDB)
Introductory Statistics (ECON1005)
Economic Essentials for Business (ECON100)
Mathematics for Business with Calculus (MATH 180)
Introduction to Communication Studies (CMNS 110)
General Physics (PHYS221)
Business Environment and Ethics (BADM 3003)
Marketing Research (MKTG 3201)
Survey of Arab History (ARIC 2346)
Supply Chain Management (OPMG 4301)
International Human Rights Law (LAW2142)
Economics (BSB113)
Fundamentals of Nursing (NCMA113)
Introduction to Psychology (PSYCH 100)
Family Law (LAW2330)
European Union Law (LAW2230)
Land Law (LAW2270)
Law and Society (LAW2620)
Clinical Intervention (PANCE-CI)
End of Rotation (EOR) (EOR)
Statistics for Business (COMM121)
Receptor-mediated Cell Signalling (BMOL30040)
Development and Advanced Pharmacology of the Nervous System (PHAR30040)
Group Dynamics: Theory and Practice (APSY-GE 2620)
Career Counseling (APSY-GE 2635)
Television Management (COM FT 517)
The Behavioral Biology of Women (CAS WS 263)
Marketing 1: Marketing Theory and Practice (MCD2050)
Management 1: Managing People and Organisations (MCD2040)
Pharmacology (NCM 106)
Religious Studies A Level (1120QS)
Marketing Management and Planning (GSBS6005)
Fundamentals Of Accounting I (BBM 114)
Management Information Systems (DCM 101)
Strategic Business Leader (SBL)
Nursing (Nursing 101)
Cell Biology (BIOB10H)
Psychological Measurement and its Application (PSYC3302)
Cognitive Neuroscience (COGS 107C)
Sensation and Perception (COGS 101A)
Copyright Law (LAWS5206)
Privacy Law (LAWS5228)
Crop Health and Pest Management (AG 335)
Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience (PSYCH 230)
Introduction to Computer Programming (COMP1000)
Civil Procedure (LAW355)
Locomotor (MEDI1033)
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110)
Advanced Clinical Specialization I (NRS 713)
Fundamentals of Nutrition (NUSC 1165)
Medical Law and Ethics (456Z0017)
Introduction to Developmental Psychology (PSYCH 250)
Developing Information Skills for Lifelong Learning (INS1502)
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education (EDUC 313 A)
Constitutional and Administrative Law (LAW1035)
Molecular and Cellular Immunology (IMMU3102)
Numbers and Numerics (OLET1622)
World History since 1500 (HIST 11)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG 205)
Computer Science 1015 (CSC1015F)
Computer Science 1016 (CSC1016S)
Operations Management (BA 331)
Livestock Management and Production (AG 325)
Mapping Our World (GEOG 103)
Entrepreneurial Finance (B FIN 404)
Doctor of Medical Science (D.M.Sc)
Equity and Trusts Law 1 (LAW3123)
From Pharmacological Mechanisms to Precision Medicine (BBS3012)
Dynamics (MAM1044H)
Modelling & Applied Computing (MAM1043H)
War Law: Use of Force and Humanitarian Law (LAWS3483)
Health Care and Professional Liability (LAWS6054)
Business Law (AB1301)
Principles of Economics (HE9091)
Behavioural Economics (ECON30019)
International Finance (FNCE30003)
Intelligence, Policing, and Counterterrorism (LAWJ 05329)
Healthy Ageing (MEDI151)
Master of Social Science (MSSc)
Biomolecules (BC2001)
Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
Organic Chemistry Lab I (CHEM 223)
Biology of Cell and Organism (BIO1CO)
Primary Care of Women (NURS 6551)
Intensive Introductory Physics (PHYS 260)
Master of Education (MEd)
nurse (09458)
Elements of Data Processing (COMP20008)
Marketing Fundamentals (BUAD 307)
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Artificial Intelligence (AI BTech)
Intro to Information Assurance & Security (CMGT 400)
Surgery (SURG 402)
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1010)
General Chemistry I (CHM 1131)
General Chemistry II (CHM 1134)
Intro to Sociology (SOC 1000)
Intro to Prof Nursing (NUR 1102)
Health Assessment (NUR 2204)
Microbiology and Genetics (BIO 1181)
Biotechnology and Its Business Opportunities (CENG 1600)
Introduction to Biotechnology (LIFS 2070)
Introduction to Financial Markets (FINA 1303)
Chemistry (Che-NEET)
Philosophy and Theology (VV56)
Intro to Financial Accounting (ACCT 2010)
Cognition (PSYC 313)
The Internal Market and Regulation (IMR)
Introduction to Banking (BSA035)
Microeconomics for Financial Studies (BSA020)
Small Business Issues (BSC132)
Analysing Careers (BSC080)
International Negotiations (BSC053)
International Corporate Governance and Firms (BSC051)
Strategy in Banking (BSC045)
Principles of Strategic Management (BSC044)
Financial Risk Management (BSC017)
Financial Management and Corporate Policy (BSC015)
Portfolio Management (BSC014)
Business Lending (BSB067)
International Business (BSB050)
Marketing (BSB030)
Organisations in the International Context (BSB030)
Macroeconomics for Financial Studies (BSB030)
Financial Accounting and Analysis (BSA014)
Organisational Behaviour (BSA005)
Economics of the Financial System (ECB015)
Accounting for Management Decisions (BSB070)
International Management (BSB052)
Financial Markets and Derivatives Fundamentals (BSB027)
Financial Management (BSB025)
EU Internal Market and Competition Law (EIMCL)
Immigration Law (LAW-LW.11322)
Constitutional Law (LAW-LW.11702)
Master of Geotechnical Engineering (MGeotech)
Introduction to Global Business (I BUS 300)
Introduction to International Relations (POL S 203 A)
American Foreign Policy (POL S 321 A)
International Conflict (POL S 407 A)
History 1A: Scotland's Millennium: Kingdom, Union And Nation c 1000-1999 (HIST1008)
History 1B: Europe Rising, The Medieval World 500-1500 (HIST1020)
Anatomy and Physiology I (BSCI 21010)
Contract Law (08 26314)
Introduction to Psychology (PL1101E)
Master of Civil Engineering (MCE)
Auditing and Assurance Services 1 (ACYASR1)
American Literature (NET MOD2)
Postcolonial Literature (NET MOD3)
European Literature (NET MOD4)
Indian English Literature (NET MOD5)
British Literature (NET MOD1)
Cells and Genes (SLE111)
Environmental Economics (BEE2034)
Intermediate Microeconomics (BEE2038)
Marriage and Family Psychology (PSY4347)
The Body, Its Function and Pharmacology (NURS5042)
Politics A Level (7152)
Sports Law (LAWS50119)
Earth Resources and Sustainable Development (UN1600)
European History since 1789 (BC1302)
Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation (MGMT 160)
Introduction to Microeconomics (01:220:102)
Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking (UCU 103)
European and International Corporate and Financial Law (EUINTCORFINLA)
Criminology (LW354)
General Science (Adm-Sci)
General Chemistry (CHEM107)
Genetics (BIOS 2600)
General Psychology (PSYC 1101)
Master of Computer Science (MCS)
Advanced Programming Techniques (ECE6122)
Perception (PSYU2247)
Cognitive Processes I (PSYU2246)
Financial Management (FINANCE 251)
Auditing (ADTG 220)
Principles of Psychological Research (PSYC210)
Gender Issues in Education (EDUC318)
Crime, Justice and Society (CRIM201)
Critical Victimology (GEND209)
Gender, Work and Consumer Culture (GEND206)
Gender in Everyday Life (GEND101)
Torts (MLL213)
Torts B (LWB148)
Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 (HSH205)
Immunology and Haematology (HMM104)
Therapeutic Development (HMM304)
Chemistry in Our World (SLE133)
Life Sciences 1b (LS 1b)
The MÄori World (MÄORI 130G)
Introduction to Psychology (PSY 301)
Advanced Topics in Biomedical Science (SLE323)
Cell Structure & Function (MEDS-242)
Human Structure and Function (HBS109)
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry (4CH1)
Civil Procedure (LAW 804)
Contracts (LAW 809)
Applied Biology and Agriculture (BLGY1211)
AP Statistics (AP Stat)
Criminal Law (LAW1003)
Introduction to Psychology 1 (1001PSY)
Introduction to Psychology 2 (1002PSY)
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (1003PSY)
Counselling Skills (1018PSY)
Interpersonal Skills (1008PSY)
Gross Anatomy (PHYT M8100)
PT Mgt. of Orthopedic Conditions III (PHYT M8612)
Prosthetics (PHYT M8637)
PT Mgt. of Pediatric Conditions (PHYT M8630)
Examination & Evaluation (PHYT M8301)
Principles of Sociology (SOC 101)
Business Law and Practice (BLP)
History of Art from the Renaissance (ARTH 2720)
PT Mgt. of Cardiopulmonary Conditions II (PHYT M8602)
Equity (LAW3111)
Trusts (LAW4170)
Global Governance (ATS2624)
Protection and Switchgear (EEN-304)
Managerial Accounting (QST AC 222)
Comparative Literature: Methodology and Critique (15PCSC003)
Translating Cultures 1 (15PJKH019)
Strategic Business Policies (MT460M6)
Chemistry Year 11 (11050)
IAL Physics (YPH11)
Determinants of Health (HSS 1101)
Level 3 Criminology Diploma (4543QD)
Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and Rights (PSCI 2266)
Criminal Litigation BTC (BTC-CL)
Global Business (IBUS1101)
Philosophy A Level (7172)
Biology MYP 4 and 5 (BIO MYP4&5)
Business Strategy for Global Healthcare (BUSI97097)
The Healthy Lifestyle (KIN 121)
Sociocultural Diversity (ANP 201)
Women and Gender in Pre-Modern European History (HIS 334)
Neuroscience (M8105)
Medical Screening II (M9071)
An Introduction to Criminology (2266A)
Foundations of Social Theory (2270A)
Advertising and Society (2172A)
Sociology of Education (2144)
The Maladjusted Mind (2030)
Foundations of Property (LW316)
Introduction to Property Law (LAWS3160)
Public Law 1 (LAWS5880)
Criminal Law (LL1003)
European Union Law (LL3001)
GCSE in French (1FR0)
ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation (NIT3171)
Pathophysiology for Athletic Therapy (PHYG 20587)
General Chemistry II (CHM1046)
Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning (NRNP 6635)
Philosophy of Mind (ATS2840)
Political Psychology (ATS2256)
Human Social Behaviour (HPS204)
Personality (HPS307)
Fundamentals of Human Behaviour (HPS111)
Individual and Social Development (HPS121)
Psychology Research Methods (Introductory) (HPS201)
Corporations Law (LAWS2203)
The Middle Ages (HI 208)
Wildlife Management (FW 353)
Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (PSCL 436)
Accounting for Decision Makers (ACC1701)
Product & Brand Management (MKT3717)
Consumer Behaviour (MKT3702)
Managerial Economics (BSP1703)
Criminal Procedure (MLL218)
Primary Concepts of Adult Nursing I (NUR 3180)
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Disorders (CLPS11052)
Research Methods in Applied Psychology (CLPS11052)
A Level French (9FR0)
Introduction to Health Assessment (NSE 103)
Non-prescription Pharmaceuticals and Supplies (PHAR 153)
Non-prescription Pharmaceuticals and Supplies (PHAR 154)
Portfolio Management (EMEC028S6)
Soil and Water: Earth's Life Support Systems (SOIL2005)
Environmental Monitoring (ENSC2001)
Plants and Environment (BIOL2031)
Earth Surface Processes (GEOS2116)
Introduction to Sport Management (SPM 290)
Music Appreciation (MU 100)
Occupational Health Psychology (PSY 345)
Fundamentals of Chemistry (CHEM 107)
Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grids 4 (ELEE10030)
Computer Science A Level (7517)
Business and Corporations Law (ACCG2051)
Classical Mythology (CLA 2323)
Neurobiology of Brain Disorders (BI3451)
Foundations of Professional Practice 2B (NURS2201)
Foundations of Professional Practice 2A (NURS2101)
Foundations of Professional Practice 3A (NURS3101)
Master in Electrical Engineering (MEE)
History AS and A2 (4010)
Health Care Issues (HAN 300)
Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH 2280)
Organisational Behaviour (MGMT1135)
Corporate Financial Policy (FINA2222)
Land Law (LAWS2383)
Psychology (9990)
Problems of Law Enforcement (CRJU 201)
General Chemistry (CHEM 1601)
Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1020)
Introductory Biology I (BIO F311C)
Nursing Management and Interventions 1 (HNN122)
Mental Health and Supportive Care (HNN222)
Quality and Safety: Nursing Practice 1 (HNN112)
Acute Illness and Supportive Care (HNN227)
Quality Use of Medicines (HNN215)
Chronic Illness and Supportive Care (HNN319)
Quality and Safety in Health Care 2 (HNN320)
Nutritional Physiology (HSN211)
Social Psychology and Mental Health (CLPS11057)
Commercial Data Law (LAWS90213)
Legal Research (LAWS50039)
Individual Differences in Mental Health (CLPS11055)
Pathopharmacology (AGAC 6360)
Operating Systems (COMP SCI 3004)
Computer Networks & Applications (COMP SCI 3001)
Spanish I (Spanish 101)
Introduction to Life Sciences (BIO1043M)
A level Spanish (9SP0)
Introductory Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 2301)
Business Planning: Banking - ACA Professional Level (ACA PL BPB)
Corporate Reporting - ACA Advanced Level (ACA AL CR)
Organizational Behaviour (RSM260)
Statistics I (PSY201)
Legal Environment of Business I (RSM225)
Religious Studies (7062)
Graphic Design (Avantgarde-Graphic Design)
Copyright and Designs (LAWS90074)
Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner (AMST 246)
English Legal System and Methods (Law 101)
High Acuity Nursing (NURS6019)
How to Start a Venture (ENTR101)
Psychiatric Nursing (NCM 334)
Cognitive Psychology (PSYCH X170)
Business Law (BTF1010)
Foundations of Business Law (CLAW1001)
Introduction to Economics for Managers (ECON224)
Database Systems (INFOSYS 222)
Analytical Mechanics and Modelling (PHY2073)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO102)
Corporations and Partnerships (LAWS3210)
Physics for the Life Sciences I (PHYSICS 135)
Electricity & Magnetism I (Physics 505)
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (Math 3120)
Media, Society and Politics (MDIA 102)
Oklahoma Real Estate (ORE)
A Level Business (H431)
Building System Design (CEC 222)
Tax Law (LAWCOMM 403)
Land Law (LAW 301)
Geography BA (L700)
Torts (LAW 15)
Calculus I (MATH-M 211)
Introduction to Biostatistics (401077)
Health Advancement and Health Promotion (400418)
Introduction to Epidemiology (401076)
Introduction to Biology with Laboratory: Cell Biology & Genetics (BIOL 2100)
Philosophy of Human Nature (PHIL 1000)
Global Politics Higher Level (IB GPHL)
Basic Mathematics (TMA 101)
Introduction To Psychology (TPS 101)
Health Behavior Theory (PUBHLTH 144)
Survey of Management (MGMT 309)
Medical Terms-GRK & LAT Roots (CLCV 102)
History of Astronomy (NATS 1745)
Leadership and Management Skills (HRM 3440)
Introductory Marketing (ADMS 2200)
Women, Work & Family (SOCI 3860)
ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam (NCLEX Predictor)
Pathophysiology (NR283)
Introduction to Political Science (POLSC 11)
Current Directions in Psychology (PSY102)
Strengths Based Counselling: Collaborative Approaches (COU265)
Social Psychology (PSY204 )
Motivation and Emotion (PSY205)
Research Methods in Psychology B (PSY201)
Ethics, Law and the Helping Professions (SWK278)
Psychopathology (PSYC363)
Counselling for Crisis, Trauma and Loss (COU300)
Developmental and Family Counselling (COU381)
Positive Psychology for Counselling (COU301)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Skills and Applications (COU200)
Personality and Assessment (PSY303)
Computer Security Basics (C INF 124X)
French for Travellers (FREN1000)
Personality and its Disorders (PSYU3336)
Geography A Level (1110QS)
Introductory Mathematics II (MAT122)
Introduction to Criminal Justice (JUS 101)
Principles of Ecology (BIOL251)
Physiology of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems (PHYL3002)
Psychopathology (PSYC 381)
Business Strategy (48142)
Financial Statement Analysis (ACCG3050)
International Finance (ECON3060)
Applied Portfolio Management (AFIN3052)
Global Environment of Business (EC2102)
Certificate III in Education Support (CHC30213)
bachelor science in biology (BSBIOA1)
Psychology (EPS200)
Methods of Teaching (EDU 001)
Pharmacology for Nursing Practice (NRSG 508MN)
Health Assessment and Physical Examination (NRSG 525MN)
Gross Human Anatomy (SAR HS 369)
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (SAR HS 375)
Perception (CAS PS 222)
Introduction to Global Health (SAR HS 325)
American Government: GT-SS1 (POS 111)
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 2003)
ATI Nursing Leadership and Management
ATI Nursing Care of Children
Head and Neck Anatomy (BAS01-DN.1608)
The City in the Roman World (HIST 3140)
The Physiology of Human Organ Systems (MEDSCI 205)
English (0500) (0500)
Strategic Sourcing And Procurement (MGMT 46501)
Biology of Disease (MDQ1BD)
Molecules in Medical Science (MDQ1MI)
Cells & Cell Process (BIOL-1115)
Canadian Constitutional Law in Comparative Perspective Advanced (M3078)
Pharmacology I: Biochemical Signalling (BPS2011)
Nursing: LPN to RN Transition (NUR 134)
Happiness, Goodness and Justice (PHIL1032)
Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience (PSYC202)
The Sociological Perspective (SOC 1000)
Cryptography and Network Security (CS6701)
Commercial Law (LAW 165)
Introduction to Performance Studies (TMA 115)
Shakespeare (ENGL 232)
Public law (LA1020)
Cell and Molecular Biology (CELS191)
The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health (CHEM191)
Human Body Systems 1 (HUBS191)
Principles of Criminal Law (JUST 3500)
Malaysian Company Law (BTW2213)
Law of the European Union (RGBEE50110)
Pathophysiology (NURS-3205)
Intro to Pharmacology (NURS-3305)
Enterprise Architectures (ICT301)
Information Security Policy and Governance (ICT380)
Information Systems Management (ICT292)
Eduqas A Level Sociology (A200QS)
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology II (MEDI112)
GCSE Business (8132)
Edexcel iGCSE Economics (4EC1)
Physiology of Membranes, Muscles and Signalling (PHYL3001)
Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology II (PSY1003)
Principles of Water Engineering (CVEN2501)
Introduction to Astronomy (PHYS1160)
Engineering Construction (CVEN2101)
Health Assessment and Interventions (NURS 3405)
Reproductive Health Theory (NURS 3590)
Systems Analysis and Design (CIS 2303)
Asian Economic Community (FASS2300)
Introduction to Anthropology (ANT100Y1)
Industrial Technology HSC (15200)
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (Econ 100B)
Managerial Accounting (ECON 137A)
Financial Accounting Analysis and Planning (ECON 118)
Ecology of Infectious Disease (EEMB 40)
Introduction to Ethics (PHIL 4)
Mediatechnology (GER 179C)
Geography Year 12 HSC (15190)
Physical Education A Level (H555)
Audit and Assurance (CPAC-C4)
Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition, Gasytro-Intestinal, Metabolism and Endcrine, Perception, And Coordination, Acute and Chronic (NCM116NGEP)
International Business (INTB 200)
Derivatives and Risk Management (BAFI3192)
Understanding the Self (COPY 11)
Unemployment and Labour Market Dynamics (ECNM10100)
Introduction to International Relations (PLS 160)
Insurance, Risk Management, and Retirement Planning (BUS-F369)
English Literature and Composition (AP ELit)
Contact Lens Studies (M3B525443)
World Religions (REL 1020)
MRS Physics and Radiation Protection (PHYS1250)
Counselling Approaches and Principles (PSYU2201)
Introduction to Psychology II (PSYU1102)
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC*1000)
Fundamentals of Business Economics (BA1)
Fundamentals of Management Accounting (BA2)
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (BA3)
Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law (BA4)
Perception, Cognition, and Intelligence (PSYC2016)
Brain and Behavioural Psychology (PSYC2015)
Foundations of Data Science (DATA1001)
Informatics: Data and Computation (DATA1002)
Psychology and Psychiatry: History and Phil (HPSC3023)
Data Science, Big Data and Data Variety (DATA2001)
Data Analytics: Learning from Data (DATA2002)
Personality and Social Psychology (PSYC2017)
Scalable Data Management (DATA3404)
Personality and Psychological Assessment (PSYC3015)
Mental Health Conditions (PSYC3018)
Statistics and Research Methods for Psych (PSYC2012)
General Paper (8807)
Cognitive Psychology (PSY2236)
Adolescence and Adulthood (PSY2233)
Infancy and Childhood (PSY2112)
Introductory Psychology (PSY2111)
Succession Law (LAW4311)
Copyright and Designs (LAW4341)
Social Change Marketing (MKTG3009)
Appetite: The Psychology of Eating and Drinking (PSYU3352)
Psychological Science: Putting Theory into Practice (PSYU3399)
Risk Management (P3)
General Biology Lecture and Laboratory (BIOLOGY 1B 001)
Principles of Conservation Biology (ESPM C103)
Nursing of Adults I (NURS 325)
Psychological Disorders (PSY 122)
Introduction To Actuarial Studies (ACTL10001)
Actuarial Modelling III (ACTL30007)
Actuarial Analytics and Data I (ACTL30008)
Theory of Computation (CIC-206)
Molecular Biology (BIOC0005)
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (BECE204L)
World Religions (RELG 108)
The Psychology of Social Behavior (PSYC 288)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC 289)
Brain & Behavior (PSYC 273)
Family Law (LA2019)
Emergency Care (EMT 101)
Primary Care (NURS 101)
Land Law (LAW242)
Financial Statement Analysis (BMAN20081)
Financial Markets and Institutions (BMAN21011)
Mergers & Acquisitions: Financial Perspectives (BMAN24102)
Managerial Economics I (ECON20001)
Introduction to International Relations (CAS IR 271)
History of International Relations, 1900-1945 (CAS IR 349)
History of International Relations since 1945 (CAS IR 350)
Social Psychology (CAS PS 261)
Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL)
Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses (NURS8024)
Gender, Crime and Justice (GEND310)
Gender, Crime and Justice (GEND210)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC318)
Social and Applied Psychology (PSYC212)
Comparative Cognition (PSYC319)
Social Inequality (SOCI205)
Psychology in Legal Contexts (PSYC325)
Behaviour Analysis in Everyday Life (PSYC328)
Human Factors and Ergonomics (PSYC326)
Sport Psychology (SPEX304)
Psychology of Sport and Exercise (SPEX204)
Sport and Health Policy (SPEX313)
Health Psychology (PSYC324)
Sport Media (SPEX315)
Biology 1 (BL1101)
Biology 2 (BL1102)
Supply Chain Management (MGMT90026)
Death and Bereavement in the Family (FSHD 305)
Turkey in the 20th Century SL (TITC SL)
Medicine and Surgery MBChB (A100)
Multivariable Calculus & Differential Equations (MAS1607)
Mathematics B (MEI) AS Level (H630)
English Literature (J352)
Cambridge O Level Physics (5054)
Learning (PSYC 4332)
Social Psychology of Work (EMPL1206)
Introduction to Marketing (MKTG1203)
Law of Contract B (LLB1170)
Intellectual Property Law (LLB 331)
Law of Torts (LLB2240)
Genetics (BIOL 2416)
Property Law (LLB2220)
Database Management Systems (CIS 2109)
Art Appreciation (ART 1910)
Hospital Management (OBM752)
Learning (PSY2235)
Fluid Mechanics (PHYS M7Z02)
Energy Sources and Storage (CME8055)
Advanced Materials for Energy Applications (CME8061)
Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids (EEE3021)
Understanding Canadian Law (CLU3M1)
Canadian History in the 20th Century (CHC2P)
Law A Level (7162)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACCT 201)
Principles of Psychology (PSYC 101)
Logic and Critical Thinking (PHIL 102)
Introduction to Law (ILW1501)
Introduction to Biostatistics (BIOS 700)
Medical-Surgical Nursing I (NUR201)
Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL 208)
Human-Computer Interaction (INFO3315)
AP Human Geography (AP HG)
GCSE French (8658)
Global Politics Standard Level (IB GPSL)
WJEC GCSE Geography (3110QS)
Edexcel IAL Information Technology (YIT11)
Mathematics 1 (33130)
Neurophysiology: Neurons and Circuits (NEUR30002)
Advanced Human Physiology (PHYS30010)
Exercise Physiology (KP322)
Ecology and the Environment (BIO 1302)
Maintenance Planning (ME 542)
Sales Management (BUS 3302)
Foundations of Finance (FINC-UB.0002.02)
Engineering Physics (BPHY101L)
Human-Computer Interaction I (INF1520)
Principles of Financial Accounting (ACC 211)
International Business Law (BSL 412)
Human Physiology & Pathophysiology (PB211A)
Introductory Biology: Cell and molecular Biology (BIOL 113)
Introduction to Film (MED 274)
Global Healthcare Systems (HCD 303)
CNPR exam
Public Law (LAWS 213)
Therapeutic Communication Skills (COU180)
Counselling Development and Supervision 1 (COU361)
Human Associative Learning (PSY304)
Principles of Genetics (BIOLOGY 222)
Financial Reporting (ACCA FR)
Hardware and Networking (CIS 1103)
Principles of Information Assurance, Security and Privacy (CIS 2103)
Biological Psychology - Brain and Behaviour (HPS310)
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Biology (1BI0)
Sensory Neuroscience: From Molecules to Disease (MEDSCI 316)
Data Structures and Algorithms (CIS 2413)
Statistics and Probability (CIS 2003)
Fundamentals of Programming (CIS 1403)
Database Systems (CIS 1303)
Network and Security - Foundations (C172)
General Biology 2 (EBIO 1220)
American History to 1865 (HIST 1015)
NCCCO Core Examination (NCCCO Core)
Introductory Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 2145)
Adult-Gero Acute Care NP (AGACNP)
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)
Social Psychology (PSYC 2606)
Introduction to Africana Studies (ETHN 1022)
Introduction to Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies (PACS 2500)
Psychological Science I: Statistics (PSYC 2111)
Introduction to Nutrition (IPHY 2420)
Philosophy and Race (PHIL 2270)
West Coast EMT (WC EMT)
Health Psychology (PSYC 314)
System Diseases 3 (SSD120)
School and Society (EDUC 3013)
Introduction to Hip Hop Studies (ETHN 3212)
Introduction to Communication Disorders (SLHS 2000)
Media and Religion (MDST 4371)
Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO)
Understanding Personal Insurance (AINS 102)
Digital Forensics in Cybersecurity (IT C840)
Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws (JIGL)
Next Generation NCLEX-PN (NCLEX-PN NGN)
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Certification (PMH-BC)
General Biology 2 (BIOL 102)
CA Foundation Course Accounting (Paper 1)
Communication Science (COMM 100)
A Level Religious Studies (9RS0)
Data Structures and Algorithms (CS 124)
Social Interaction and Culture (SOCI 101)
Cognitive Processes (PSYC 309A)
Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYC 308A)
Introduction to Developmental, Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology (PSYC 102)
Research Methods (PSYC 217)
Instrumental Phonetics (LING 314)
Introduction to Language and Linguistics (LING 100)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 102)
Health Assessment (NUR 100)
Clinical and Theoretical Foundations of Baccalaureate Nursing Practice (NUR 114)
GCSE Spanish (8698)
Physics MYP 4 and 5 (PHY MYP4&5)
Anatomy 1 (050524)
Eduqas A Level Biology (A400QS)
GAMSAT Section II (S2)
US History Since 1877 (HST 122)
General Chemistry (21UCH02)
Equine Exercise Physiology (ANSC 464)
Equine Health (ANSC 254)
Biochemistry I Laboratory (BCHS 3201)
Technologies, Infrastructure and Architecture (INST346)
Introduction to UNIX (HACS201)
Economics II (GTI92AN307HU)
Business Law I (GTI22AN303HU)
Introduction to Comparative Politics (PSC 1001)
Edexcel IAL Chemistry (YCH11)
Communication Law (J385)
International Finance (BS3393)
Portfolio Management and Behavioural Finance (BS3396)
Derivatives (BS3385)
Advanced Corporate Finance (BS3381)
Intermediate Microeconomics (BS2250)
Financial Markets (BS2297)
Corporate Financial Management (BS2237)
Corporate Finance (BS2253)
Motivation and Emotion (PSYCH 3M03)
Resources, Society, and the Environment (GEOG 1125)
Genetics & the Human Genome (BIOL 190)
American Literature (EN 209)
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Care of the Adult 1: Theoretical Foundations (NURS 4311)
Global Issues (PLS 338)
Research Methods in Psychology (PSH 301)
Sensation and Perception (PSH 352)
Child Psychology (PSH 384)
Criminology (CRJ 494)
Anatomy and Physiology I (IAP100)
Second Part Examination (SPE CICM)
Issues in Canadian Geography (CGC1D)
Fundamental Concepts of Nursing (NUR 112)
Physio-Pathological Basis of Advanced Nursing (NU 545)
Drama and Theatre A Level (7262)
Foundations of Finance A (BMAN23000A)
Investment Analysis (BMAN20072)
Econometrics (ECON20110)
Fundamentals of Strategy (BMAN24492)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (ARFR.02.037)
Social Psychology (SOP 3004)
GCSE Geography (8035)
Foundations in Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG 2040)
Introduction to Biochemistry (BIOC 2580)
Contract Law (LLB202)
Physiology of Nutrition and Metabolism (PHYL3003)
An Introduction to the National Incident Management System (IS-700.B)
Engineering Physics II (FEC202)
SPD Technician Certification Exam (CBSPD)
Introductory Sociology (SOCL 2001)
Edexcel IAS Business (YBS11)
Environmental Archaeology (AR246)
Object Oriented Programming (CIS 2403)
Operating Systems (CIS 2903)
Drug Discovery and Design (BPS2022)
Analytical Methods 2: Investigation Design (BPS2032)
English Advanced Year 12 (15140)
Psychology of Health and Wellbeing (PSY306)
Accounting Theory and Accountability (BUS304)
Contemporary Financial Accounting (BUS356)
Hong Kong Taxation (CPA-HKT)
Malaysia Taxation (CPA-MT)
Singapore Taxation (CPA-ST)
New Zealand Taxation (CPA-NZT)
Capstone (CAP)
Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality (EXERSCI 100G)
Human Biology - Advanced (BIOL1908)
Law and Emerging Technologies (LAWS528)
Physics Standard Level (IB PSL)
Management Accounting (CPAC-C3)
Performance Management (CPAC-E1)
Finance (CPAC-E2)
Assurance (CPAC-E3)
Taxation (CPAC-E4)
Capstone Integrative Module (CPAC-Cap 1)
Capstone Exam Preparation Module (CPAC-Cap 2)
Biology AS and A2 (1010)
Physics A Level (1420QS)
Law of the European Union BTT (BTT-2)
Criminal Law BTT (BTT-3)
Obligations BTT (BTT-4)
Advocacy BTT (BTT-8)
Civil Litigation and Evidence BTT (BTT-9)
Criminal Litigation, Evidence and Sentencing (BTT-10)
Professional Ethics BTT (BTT-11)
Translational Biology and Genomics (MEDI3200)
Physiological Psychology (PSY202)
Animal Behaviour (BLGY2222)
Accounting Information Systems (ACCT310)
Chemical Engineering Laboratory (CHG 4116)
Introduction to Biochemistry (BCH 2333)
Introduction to Biochemistry (BCH 2333)
Unit Operations (CHG 3111)
Process Synthesis Design and Economics (CHG 3112)
Computer Aided Design in Chemical Engineering (CHG 4343)
Molecular Biology Laboratory (BCH 3356)
Biochemistry Laboratory II (BCH 3346)
Genetics (BIO 2133)
Structure et fonctions des protƩines (BCH 3525)
Protein Structure and Function (BCH 3125)
Introduction to Plant Science (BIO 2137)
Ćcologie (BIO 2529)
Ecology (BIO 2129)
Chimie analytique (CHM2754)
Analytical Chemistry (CHM 2354)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Greenfield (102)
computer Science (1)
nursing (401)
ATI Adult Medical Surgical
ATI Anatomy and Physiology
ATI Community Health Nursing
ATI Nutrition for Nursing
trigonometry (101)
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nursing Practice II (NUR 235)
Cambridge A-Level Accounting (9706)
Cambridge A-Level Economics (9708)
Strategy and Governance (CPAC-C2)
Project Management (MNG202)
MAT (202)
English (Eng 1)
Medical Systems (NURS 101)
Nursing (NURS 101)
Clinical Chemistry and Molecular diagnosis (Clinical Chemistry)
Calculating Drug Dosages (Drug Dosages)
Nursing (Nursing)
Medical Physiology (MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY )
Paramedic Care- Principles & Practice (Paramedic Care- Principles & Practice, Vols. 1-5)
Microeconomics (Microeconomics)
ADULT HEALTH NURSING (Adult Health Nursing)
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING (Nursing Fundamentals)
Clinical Nursing Skills (Clinical Nursing Skills)
chemistry (Chemistry, Brown)
Sensation and Perception (PSYC209)
Clinical Veterinay Medicine (VTE)
NUR 2063 (nur 2063)
cell biology (21CBT101T)
Health Care (Health)
Introduction to Logic, 12e (Introduction to Logic, 12e)
Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism (Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism)
5079 (NURS )
Pharm D (PHARM333)
Aspire (Aspire)
hesi (hesi)
criminology (3)
Auditing (BUS306)
bsc nursing (BscN)
Pathophysiology (Bus 101)
Solutions and Test Bank For Intermediate Accounting, Volume 2, 13th Canadian Edition By Donald Kieso (56)