Consumers Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Consumers Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Consumers Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes at the Higher School Certificate (HSC - New South Wales). 2024 created, 37 page notes…

By: Notes Lord Year: Grade: 82% 37 Pages

Human Rights Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Human Rights Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Human Rights Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes at the Higher School Certificate (HSC - New South Wales). 2024 created, 25 page…

By: Notes Lord Year: Grade: 82% 25 Pages

Crime Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Crime Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Crime Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes at the Higher School Certificate (HSC - New South Wales). 2024 created, 46 page notes…

By: Notes Lord Year: Grade: 82% 46 Pages

Family Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Family Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes

Family Law (HSC Legal Studies) Top of Class study notes at the Higher School Certificate (HSC - New South Wales). 2024 created, 36 page notes…

By: Notes Lord Year: Grade: 82% 36 Pages

HSC Legal Studies 2022 notes

HSC Legal Studies 2022 notes

HSC Legal Studies notes created for 2022. These 127 page notes cover 2 core and 2 option topics. Received a band 6 in 2021. Notes…

By: Walt05 Year: Grade: Band 6 127 Pages

HSC Family Law notes

HSC Family Law notes

Family Law notes under HSC Legal Studies option 3. 2021 written 33 pages long notes can get you to a Band 6. All syllabus points…

By: Carlline Year: Grade: Band 6 33 Pages

HSC World Order notes

HSC World Order notes

World Order notes under HSC Legal Studies option 7. 2021 written 64 pages long notes can get you to a Band 6. All syllabus points…

By: Carlline Year: Grade: Band 6 64 Pages

Legal Studies HSC (Year 12) core notes with all syllabus points

Legal Studies HSC (Year 12) core notes with all syllabus points

Legal Studies HSC (Year 12) core notes with all syllabus points. You too can get to band 6 for NSW Year 12 Legal Studies by…

By: Carlline Year: Grade: Band 6 95 Pages

HSC Legal Studies notes

HSC Legal Studies notes

HSC Legal Studies notes are 100 pages long. Updated in 2021, they cover Human Rights, Crime, Family Law and Consumer Law topics. Use these notes…

By: Celsun Year: 100 Pages

World Order (Legal Studies) HSC essay plans

World Order (Legal Studies) HSC essay plans

World Order essay plans under HSC Legal Studies. 28 page notes were created in 2019. These will guide you to write a great essay. You…

By: Moussa Year: Grade: 89% 28 Pages

Crime (HSC Legal Studies Core Part I) complete notes

Crime (HSC Legal Studies Core Part I) complete notes

Complete Crime notes for HSC Legal Studies - Core Part I. Written in 2021, these 38 page notes cover the whole syllabus. Case studies are…

By: Presil Year: Grade: Band 6 38 Pages

Workplace Law (HSC Legal Studies Option 6: Workplace) notes

Workplace Law (HSC Legal Studies Option 6: Workplace) notes

Notes for Workplace Law under HSC Legal Studies Option 6 (Law in Practice). Written in 2020, 16 pages long these notes contributed to a Band…

By: Monica Year: Grade: Band 6 16 Pages

Family Law (HSC Legal Studies Option 3: Family) notes

Family Law (HSC Legal Studies Option 3: Family) notes

Notes for Family Law under HSC Legal Studies Option 3 (Law in Practice). Written in 2020, 15 pages long these notes contributed to a Band…

By: Monica Year: Grade: Band 6 15 Pages

Human Rights (HSC Legal Studies Core Part II) notes

Human Rights (HSC Legal Studies Core Part II) notes

Notes for Human Rights under HSC Legal Studies Core Part II. Written in 2020, 13 pages long these notes contributed to a Band 6 result.

By: Monica Year: Grade: Band 6 13 Pages

HSC Legal Studies Core Part II: Human Rights full notes

HSC Legal Studies Core Part II: Human Rights full notes

Full notes for NSW HSC Legal Studies Core Part II: Human Rights. Written in 2019, these 14 pages long notes helped with a Band 6…

By: Butzi Year: Grade: Band 6 14 Pages

HSC Legal Studies Core Part I: Crime full notes

HSC Legal Studies Core Part I: Crime full notes

Full notes for NSW HSC Legal Studies Core Part I: Crime. Written in 2019, these 28 pages long notes helped with a Band 6 result.…

By: Butzi Year: Grade: Band 6 28 Pages

HSC Legal Studies Option 6: Workplace summary notes

HSC Legal Studies Option 6: Workplace summary notes

Legal Studies HSC course Part III: option 6 - Workplace summary notes. These notes cover the entire Workplace section in 17 pages. Band 6 scored.

By: Joey Year: Grade: Band 6 17 Pages

HSC Legal Studies Core Part I & II: Crime and Human Rights notes

HSC Legal Studies Core Part I & II: Crime and Human Rights notes

Legal Studies HSC course Core part I and part II notes, Crime and Human Rights. Combined these notes are 70 pages long and cover the…

By: Joey Year: Grade: Band 6 70 Pages