Contains thorough and detailed notes for the final exam of Torts (70311) of UTS. This file also includes textbook notes, seminar notes and notes from discussions. Can be taken into the final exam.

  • Grade
  • 85%
  • Number of Pages
  • 99
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5

Contains thorough and detailed notes for the final exam of Torts (70311) of UTS. This file also includes textbook notes, seminar notes and notes from discussions. Can be taken into the final exam.

A law of torts subject is required for admission as a legal practitioner in all Australian jurisdictions. This subject is part of the core program for the Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor and provides students with foundational knowledge required for more advanced ‘private law’ subjects in the law degree. Subjects covering areas such as commercial and corporate law, equity and remedies also require a sound knowledge of Tort law as a basis for the legal concepts learned in those subjects.

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