Programming 1 complete summary notes covering CS 200 Java from module 1 to 14 at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. These notes are 33 pages long and were written in 2021.

  • Summary Source
  • module 1 - 14
  • Lecturer
  • Professor Jim Williams
  • Class Year
  • 2021
  • Grade
  • 88%
  • Number of Pages
  • 33
  • Staff Rating
  • 5/5
These notes include the class notes, definitions, key points and example codes from zyBooks participation activities for the Programming I CS 200 (Java) course. These are neatly written notes that cover all the contents of the course. Examinable and most important points are highlighted. Multiple highlight colors are used:
Example code
Key point
Covered module details:
  • Module 1 : Programming Process (basic instruction types, creating a scanner to retrieve data from an input, outputting data, and a computer tour).
  • Module 2 : Primitives and Expressions (binary and decimal numbers, variables, assignments, identifiers, compound operators, expressions, data types, the modulo operator, and troubleshooting).
  • Module 3 : Using Objects and Defining Methods (Strings, indices, generating random integers, primitive vs reference type variables, relational operators, autoboxing and unboxing, String methods, and how to develop your own method).
  • Module 4 : Branches (equality operators, boolean data type, if and if-else statements, logical operators, switch statements, comparing Strings, and precedence rules).
  • Module 5 : More Primitives, Objects, Branches, and Methods (character methods, conditional expressions, ternary operators, memory allocation, garbage collection, method overloading, Javadoc, and the 4 Regions of Program Memory).
  • Module 6 : Loops (while loops, sentinel values, for loops, increment operators, break and continue statements, the enumeration data type, and do-while loops).
  • Module 7 : Arrays (how to construct an array, array methods, perfect size arrays, and oversize arrays).
  • Module 8 : More Arrays and Methods (multi-dimensional arrays and how to iterate through them using loops, enhanced for loops/for each loops, unit testing, test vectors, and methods using arrays).
  • Module 9 : Objects and ArrayList (abstraction/encapsulation, how to construct and add to an ArrayList, and the ArrayList add/remove performance problem).
  • Module 10 : Exceptions (error-checking code, try-throw-catch structure, handling exceptions, checked and unchecked exceptions, and command-line arguments).
  • Module 11 : File Input/Output (OutputStream class, InputStream class,, System.out, in-depth Scanner class, output formatting, format specifiers, width, precision, flags, writing to a file, and reading from a file).
  • Module 12 : Basic Classes (class constructs, method constructs, private vs public access modifiers, mutator (setter) and accessor (getter) methods, constructors, and the “this” implicit parameter).
  • Module 13 : Additional Topics (packages, derived and base classes, inheritance, composition, is-a vs has-a relationships, “extends” and “super” keywords, overriding a base method, and polymorphism).
  • Module 14 : More Additional Topics/Review (algorithms, recursive algorithms, and recursive methods).

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