25503: Investment Analysis summarised full notes

These are extremely condensed Investment Analysis summarised full notes at the UTS. They are 24 pages long. Textbook, lecture materials and tutorials are used to…

21656: Sport Marketing and Media full notes – HD

These are full Sport Marketing and Media notes for 21656 at University of Technology Sydney. Attached file is 27 pages long. It contains all the…

Management Decisions and Control (22421) tutorial, topic & case analysis notes

These are Management Decisions and Control (22421) notes from UTS. This 51 pages long file contains tutorial notes, topic notes and also case analysis notes.

Managing People and Organisations (21129) comprehensive summary

UTS: 21129 Managing People and Organisations Full Detailed Notes. Super helpful notes - very concise and easy to read. Extremely helpful for studying right before…

Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107) Practice Examination Q&A and Study Notes

Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107) notes contain practice examination questions and answers for theory section. They also contain the important notes for the practical…