Personality (PSYC211) complete notes

Personality complete notes covering PSYC211 from the University of Canterbury. They are 35 pages long and were written in 2019. They are exam targeted notes.

Cognition (PSYC208) complete notes

Cognition complete notes covering PSYC208 from the University of Canterbury. They are 30 pages long and were written in 2019. They are exam targeted notes.

Introductory Psychology (PSYC105) complete notes

Introductory Psychology complete notes covering PSYC105 from the University of Canterbury. They are 60 pages long and were written in 2019.

Developmental Psychology (PSYC207) complete notes

Developmental Psychology complete notes covering PSYC207 from the University of Canterbury. They are 47 pages long and were written in 2019.