Developmental Psychology (PSYU2235) lecture notes

Developmental Psychology (PSYU2235) lecture notes

Developmental Psychology complete lecture notes under PSYU2235 from the Macquarie University. Created in 2021, 97 page notes got me 87% in exam.

By: Bushansu Year: Grade: 87% 97 Pages

Cognitive Processes I (PSYU2246) complete notes

Cognitive Processes I (PSYU2246) complete notes

Cognitive Processes I complete notes under PSYU2246 from the Macquarie University. Created in 2021, lecture & tutorial based 54 page notes got me 92% in…

By: Bushansu Year: Grade: 92% 54 Pages

Perception (PSYU2247) complete lecture notes

Perception (PSYU2247) complete lecture notes

Perception complete lecture notes under PSYU2247 from the Macquarie University. Created in 2021, these 52 page notes got me 86% in exam.

By: Bushansu Year: Grade: 86% 52 Pages

Legal Foundations B (LAWS11-106) lecture notes

Legal Foundations B (LAWS11-106) lecture notes

Legal Foundations B lecture notes under LAWS11-106 from the Bond University. Created in 2021, 38 page notes summarises the lecture contents.

By: KatriLu Year: Grade: 81% 38 Pages

European and International Corporate and Financial Law seminar notes

European and International Corporate and Financial Law seminar notes

European and International Corporate and Financial Law seminar notes from the Leiden University. Created in 2019, 129 page notes cover 2-12 seminars.

By: Csilla Year: Grade: 92% 129 Pages

100 Anatomy MCQs with Answers

100 Anatomy MCQs with Answers

100 Anatomy MCQs with answers in 16 pages. Any Anatomy, Nursing, Medical, Physiotherapy student can use this file to sharpen their knowledge.

By: Rajmano Year: 16 Pages

Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking (UCU 103) full study guide

Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking (UCU 103) full study guide

Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking full study guide under UCU 103 from the Kenyatta University. Created in 2021, this guide is 75 pages long.

By: Trisia Year: Grade: 89% 75 Pages

Introduction to Microeconomics (01:220:102) complete notes

Introduction to Microeconomics (01:220:102) complete notes

Introduction to Microeconomics complete notes under 01:220:102 from the Rutgers University. Created in 2021, 46 page notes got me an A.

By: CheluYi Year: Grade: A 46 Pages

European History since 1789 (BC1302) study guide

European History since 1789 (BC1302) study guide

European History since 1789 study guide under BC1302 from the Barnard College of Columbia University. Created in 2019, 41 page notes got me an A…

By: CKunerth Year: Grade: A 41 Pages

Earth Resources and Sustainable Development (UN1600) semester notes

Earth Resources and Sustainable Development (UN1600) semester notes

Earth Resources and Sustainable Development semester notes under UN1600 from the Columbia University. 52 page notes were written in 2019. Grade A received.

By: CKunerth Year: Grade: A 52 Pages

Marriage and Family Psychology (PSY4347) notes

Marriage and Family Psychology (PSY4347) notes

Marriage and Family Psychology notes under PSY4347 from the University of Texas at Dallas. Created in 2020, these 66 page notes contain textbook and exam…

By: Eugine Year: 66 Pages

Intermediate Microeconomics (BEE2038) module notes

Intermediate Microeconomics (BEE2038) module notes

Intermediate Microeconomics module notes under BEE2038 from the University of Exeter. Created in 2021, these 89 page notes cover the above chapters.

By: RahulC Year: 89 Pages

Complete English (British) Literature (UGC NET) notes

Complete English (British) Literature (UGC NET) notes

These are complete English (British) Literature notes for UGC NET India. Created in 2021, this file cover contents from 16 main ages in English Literature…

By: Chaudri Year: Grade: JRF 473 Pages

Surveying and Levelling (Civil Engineering) lecture notes

Surveying and Levelling (Civil Engineering) lecture notes

Surveying and Levelling in Civil Engineering lecture notes. Any student can use these 80 page 25+ lecture notes to improve their knowledge.

By: Rebbu Year: 80 Pages

Introduction to Psychology (PL1101E) complete notes

Introduction to Psychology (PL1101E) complete notes

Introduction to Psychology complete notes under PL1101E from the National University of Singapore. Created in 2021, these 74 page notes got me an A.

By: Rebli Year: Grade: A 74 Pages

Contract Law (08 26314) semester 1 and 2 seminar notes

Contract Law (08 26314) semester 1 and 2 seminar notes

Contract Law semester 1 and 2 seminar notes under 08-26314 from the University of Birmingham. Created in 2019, these are 25 pages long.

By: Samnay Year: 25 Pages

History 1A: Scotland’s Millennium (HIST1008) full notes

History 1A: Scotland’s Millennium (HIST1008) full notes

History 1A: Scotland's Millennium full notes under HIST1008 from the University of Glasgow. Written in 2021, exam targeted notes are 47 pages long.

By: Rybek Year: Grade: A 47 Pages

American Foreign Policy (POL S 321 A) comprehensive notes

American Foreign Policy (POL S 321 A) comprehensive notes

American Foreign Policy comprehensive notes covering POL S 321 A from the University of Washington. These detailed 82 page notes got me an A in…

By: Huelin Year: Grade: A 82 Pages

Introduction to International Relations (POL S 203 A) notes

Introduction to International Relations (POL S 203 A) notes

Introduction to International Relations notes under POL S 203 A from the University of Washington. Detailed, summary and core notes combined they are 108 pages…

By: Huelin Year: Grade: A 108 Pages

Introduction to Global Business (I BUS 300) notes

Introduction to Global Business (I BUS 300) notes

Introduction to Global Business notes under I BUS 300 from the University of Washington. Written in 2019, these 42 page notes include contents and essays.

By: Huelin Year: Grade: A 42 Pages