Australian Constitutional Law (70616) notes

Australian Constitutional Law (70616) notes

Australian Constitutional Law notes for 70616 at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). These notes are 81 pages long and very well structured.

By: benny Year: 81 Pages

CFA® Level 1 complete notes

CFA® Level 1 complete notes

These CFA Level 1 complete notes are exam targeted. The whole file is only 332 page long, yet covers all the modules. There are very well…

By: Kamalan Year: 332 Pages

Environmental Law (LAWS5134) notes

Environmental Law (LAWS5134) notes

These are Environmental Law (LAWS5134) notes from the University of Queensland. 70 page long file. Both Queensland and the Commonwealth Environmental Laws are covered.

By: qlaw Year: Grade: 82% 70 Pages

CPA Global Strategy and Leadership notes (HD)

CPA Global Strategy and Leadership notes (HD)

These CPA Global Strategy and Leadership notes are a consolidated summary of the whole course in 115 pages. I received a HD for GSL using…

By: Charles Year: 28 SalesGrade: HD 115 Pages

Ethics and Governance CPA notes – HD

Ethics and Governance CPA notes – HD

These are Ethics and Governance CPA notes. I received a HD and it's only 72 pages long. I have only included the examinable points in…

By: cpagal Year: 72 Pages

Social Environment and Behaviour (PSBE2-04) full summary

Social Environment and Behaviour (PSBE2-04) full summary

This is a Social Environment and Behaviour (PSBE2-04) full summary from the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen). It's 78 pages long.

By: rebbeca Year: 78 Pages

Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103) course notes

Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103) course notes

These are the course notes for Fundamentals of Marketing (BM1103) module at the City, University of London. This 104 pages long file covers all weeks.

By: Faith Year: 104 Pages

Introduction to Management (BM1100) course summary

Introduction to Management (BM1100) course summary

This is a course summary for Introduction to Management (BM1100) module at the City, University of London. This 39 pages long file covers all lectures…

By: Faith Year: 39 Pages

Constitutional Law Introduction to Principles

Constitutional Law Introduction to Principles

Jurisprudence course at Oxford University. 20 pages of notes on an Introduction to Constitutional Law. Using these notes, I achieved a 1st class in my…

By: kushp Year: Grade: 1st 20 Pages

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MEDS2003 & BCMB2001) summary

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MEDS2003 & BCMB2001) summary

Complete Biochemistry and Molecular Biology lecture summary notes for both MEDS2003 and BCMB2001 at the University of Sydney. 65 pages long these notes summarised the…

By: terry Year: Grade: 79% 65 Pages

Classical Civilisation 1A (CLASSIC1001) lecture summaries

Classical Civilisation 1A (CLASSIC1001) lecture summaries

Lecture summaries for Classical Civilisation 1A: Early Greece, from Troy to Plataea, 776-479 BC under CLASSIC1001 from the University of Glasgow.

By: Deaker Year: Grade: A 29 Pages

Philosophy 1B: How Should I Live? (PHIL1011) lecture summaries

Philosophy 1B: How Should I Live? (PHIL1011) lecture summaries

These are lecture summaries for Philosophy 1B: How Should I Live? course under PHIL1011 at the University of Glasgow. These notes are 31 pages long.

By: Deaker Year: Grade: A 31 Pages

Business Communication (COMM 205) final exam notes

Business Communication (COMM 205) final exam notes

Business Communication (COMM 205) final exam notes from John Molson School of Business of the Concordia University. They are 110 pages long.

By: Annie Year: 110 Pages

Philosophy 1A: How Should I Think? (PHIL1010) lecture summaries

Philosophy 1A: How Should I Think? (PHIL1010) lecture summaries

These are lecture summaries for Philosophy 1A: How Should I Think? course under PHIL1010 at the University of Glasgow. These notes are 21 pages long.

By: Deaker Year: Grade: A 21 Pages

Orthodontics exam notes 5th year second semester

Orthodontics exam notes 5th year second semester

These notes were made for the subject orthodontics, I managed to score more than 89% in both my final year state exams and during my…

By: farrahbutt6 Year: Grade: 90% 42 Pages

Supply chain financial management – BUS 402

Supply chain financial management – BUS 402

Course Name: Small Business Management, Code: BUS 402, Strater University, Grade A. Assignment regarding Supply Chain Financial Management, 12 pages.

By: scottshades12 Year: Grade: A 12 Pages

LAWS2015 & LAWS5015 Equity lecture notes HD

LAWS2015 & LAWS5015 Equity lecture notes HD

You can use these Equity lecture notes for both LAWS2015 and Juris Doctor LAWS5015. They are 93 pages long. I received a HD for this…

By: JDsyd Year: Grade: HD 93 Pages

Communications (ELEC3505) summary notes

Communications (ELEC3505) summary notes

Communications (ELEC3505) summary notes from University of Sydney. These notes contain 29 page long summaries of ELEC3505 course from School of Electrical and Information Engineering.

By: Jason Year: Grade: 79% 29 Pages

Animal Physiology – IB Biology (HL) Topic 11 complete exam notes

Animal Physiology – IB Biology (HL) Topic 11 complete exam notes

These are complete exam notes for the Animal Physiology topic of Biology Higher Level at the International Baccalaureate (IB). They are 32 pages long.

By: Cathrina Year: Grade: 7 31 Pages

Family Law (76516) exam notes

Family Law (76516) exam notes

Family Law exam notes covering 76516 at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). These 55 pages long notes are complete and include all the examinable…

By: LawTech Year: Grade: 79% 55 Pages