These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

CPA Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) Keyword Index (S2 2020 – 3rd Ed)

Detailed Keyword Index with page references for the official CPA Australia Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) study guide. This keyword index provides a summary of all…

CPA Global Strategy and Leadership (GSL) Summary Notes – HD – 2020 S1 (3rd Ed)

CPA Global Strategy and Leadership (GSL) summary notes are written based on the 3rd Edition of the subject. I got HD for this. My notes…

CPA Contemporary Business Issues (CBI) HD Notes & Index (4th Ed S2 – 2020)

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Study Notes with page references based on the official CPA Australia Contemporary Business Issues Study Guide. These notes provide a detailed summary of all of…

LAWS2014 Corporations Law – Problem questions answer outlines

These notes gives you the outlines on how to answer problem questions and how to identify relevant issues. Use these LAWS2014 Corporations Law notes to…

Public International Law – Exam Questions Answer Guide – Curtin Law

This file contains the summarized answers for the public international law (LAWS2010) exam questions for Curtin Law School. Follow these notes to get over 75%.…

CPA Strategic Management Accounting 3rd Edition -2020 (HD) Notes

Since I've received HD, I thought I would share these SMA CPA Strategic Management Accounting notes 3rd Edition notes with you. These are the perfect…

Commercial and Charitable Trusts (LAWS3023) Complete Notes

These Commercial and Charitable Trusts (LAWS3023) complete summary notes will help you to get the best out of the subject. These are clean notes and…

Advanced Trusts HD Notes – LAWS5202

University of Sydney, complete  Advanced Trusts HD Notes (LAWS5202). Very well written to study easily. Go through these notes to capture whole course without over…

Management Accounting and Applied Finance (MAAF317) critical file – CA

This is the critical file for Management Accounting and Applied Finance (MAAF) module. These concise notes are 68 pages long. Yet you can study these…