Spanish I (Spanish 101) notes

Spanish I (Spanish 101) notes

Spanish I complete notes under Spanish 101 from the Drexel University. Created in 2021, 79 page notes are great for any Spanish beginners.

By: Amritosh Year: 79 Pages

Computer Networks & Applications (COMP SCI 3001) 2016 exam paper

Computer Networks & Applications (COMP SCI 3001) 2016 exam paper

Computer Networks & Applications 2016 exam paper under COMP SCI 3001 from the University of Adelaide. 2021 created, 9 page notes provide no answers.

By: Sanlivan Year: 9 Pages

Operating Systems (COMP SCI 3004) exam review notes

Operating Systems (COMP SCI 3004) exam review notes

Operating Systems exam review notes under COMP SCI 3004 from the University of Adelaide. 2021 created 33 page notes cover all 11 weeks.

By: Bushinor Year: 33 Pages

Court Process, Evidence and Proof (LAWS2351) HD exam notes

Court Process, Evidence and Proof (LAWS2351) HD exam notes

Court Process, Evidence and Proof exam notes under LAWS2351 from the University of New South Wales. 2021 written, 94 page notes got me a HD…

By: Amritosh Year: Grade: HD 94 Pages

Personality and Mental Health (CLPS11055) article notes

Personality and Mental Health (CLPS11055) article notes

Article notes for Personality and Mental Health under Individual Differences (CLPS11055) from the University of Edinburgh. 49 page notes cover more than 15 articles.

By: Govindan Year: 49 Pages

Legal Research (LAWS50039) research essay

Legal Research (LAWS50039) research essay

A research essay for Legal Research (LAWS50039) at the University of Melbourne. Created in 2021, fully referenced 34 page essay got me a H1.

By: Amritosh Year: Grade: H1 34 Pages

Commercial Data Law (LAWS90213) research essay

Commercial Data Law (LAWS90213) research essay

A research essay for Commercial Data Law (LAWS90213) at the University of Melbourne. Created in 2021, fully referenced 20 page essay got me a H1.

By: Kavinclow Year: Grade: H1 20 Pages

HSC Business Studies Marketing notes with case studies

HSC Business Studies Marketing notes with case studies

HSC Business Studies Marketing topic notes with case studies to sharpen your knowledge. Written in 2021, 20 page notes got me an ATAR of 90.

By: KimYoshu Year: Grade: 90 ATAR 20 Pages

HSC Business Studies Finance notes with case studies

HSC Business Studies Finance notes with case studies

HSC Business Studies Finance topic notes with case studies to sharpen your knowledge. Written in 2021, 25 page notes got me an ATAR of 90.

By: Diughlinam Year: Grade: 90 ATAR 25 Pages

Mental Health and Supportive Care (HNN222) course notes

Mental Health and Supportive Care (HNN222) course notes

Mental Health and Supportive Care course notes under HNN222 from the Deakin University. Created in 2021, 62 page notes cover 13 seminars.

By: Piulonam Year: 36 Pages

Nursing Management and Interventions 1 (HNN122) course notes

Nursing Management and Interventions 1 (HNN122) course notes

Nursing Management and Interventions 1 course notes under HNN122 from the Deakin University. Created in 2021, 36 page notes cover 8 weeks.

By: Kavinclow Year: 36 Pages

Introductory Biology I (BIO F311C) complete notes

Introductory Biology I (BIO F311C) complete notes

Introductory Biology I complete notes under BSCI 1510 from the University of Texas at Austin. Created in 2021, 126 page notes got me an A…

By: Bojill Year: Grade: A 126 Pages

Principles of Macroeconomic (ECON 1010) textbook notes

Principles of Macroeconomic (ECON 1010) textbook notes

Principles of Macroeconomic textbook notes under ECON 1010 from the Vanderbilt University. Created in 2021, 43 page notes got me an A.

By: Govindan Year: Grade: A 43 Pages

Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1020) textbook notes

Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1020) textbook notes

Principles of Microeconomics textbook notes under ECON 1020 from the Vanderbilt University. Created in 2021, 48 page notes got me an A.

By: Juancarlo Year: Grade: A 48 Pages

General Chemistry (CHEM 1601) textbook notes

General Chemistry (CHEM 1601) textbook notes

General Chemistry textbook notes under CHEM 1601 from the Vanderbilt University. Created in 2021, these 72 page notes cover all the chapters.

By: Diughlinam Year: Grade: A 72 Pages

Corporate Financial Policy (FINA2222) complete notes

Corporate Financial Policy (FINA2222) complete notes

Corporate Financial Policy complete notes under FINA2222 from the University of Western Australia. Created in 2021, 65 page notes can get you a HD.

By: Juancarlo Year: Grade: HD 65 Pages

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT1135) complete notes

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT1135) complete notes

Organisational Behaviour complete notes under MGMT1135 from the University of Western Australia (UWA). Created in 2021, 285 page notes will help you get HD.

By: Bojill Year: Grade: HD 285 Pages

Health Care Issues (HAN 300) final exam outline

Health Care Issues (HAN 300) final exam outline

Health Care Issues final exam outline under HAN 300 from the Stony Brook University. Created in 2021, 53 page notes helped me with an A.

By: Diughlinam Year: Grade: A 53 Pages

Basic Electrical Engineering for beginners

Basic Electrical Engineering for beginners

This is an eBook titled Basic Electrical Engineering for beginners. This 130 page booklet covers all there is to know by graduate or post graduate…

By: KimYoshu Year: 139 Pages

AP Biology revision notes

AP Biology revision notes

AP Biology revision notes. 2021 written notes cover all 8 units in 32 pages. They are very handy right before the exams. Very colorful and…

By: Sanlivan Year: 32 Pages