These are the featured downloads of StudyLast. You can find the best submissions here. This is a special page listing all the top quality downloads we have.

Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 (HFB2117) complete notes with associated CPGs

Paramedic Clinical Practice 3 complete notes with associated CPGs under HFB2117 of the Bachelor of Paramedicine at the Victoria University. These notes are 145 pages…

Edexcel A Levels Psychology essay plans

Edexcel A Levels Psychology essay plans for 3 sub sections. Criminal, Clinical and Learning psychology. Written in 2020-2021, these notes are 47 pages long.

IB History HL final exam outline notes

IB History HL final exam outline notes were written in 2020. They are 14 pages long. They helped me to get a grade 7. Use…

Sociology of Health (SOCI 2050) all lecture notes

Sociology of Health all lecture notes covering SOCI 2050 from Carleton University. These notes are 47 pages long. They are very neat and easy to…

Edexcel GCSE Computer Science exam notes

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science exam notes. These notes were written in 2021 and 49 pages long. I received grade 9 by using these notes.

Communication Law (COMM-401) midterm exam notes

Communication Law midterm exam notes for COMM-401 at the American University. These 21 pages long notes were created in 2021. Grade A received.

History of Britain: Struggle for Power (HIS 349H1) complete summary

History of Britain: Struggle for Power complete summary notes under HIS 349H1 at the University of Toronto. Written in 2019, these notes are 19 pages…

Justifying Religious Belief (RLG209H1) complete summary notes

Justifying Religious Belief complete summary notes covering RLG209H1 at the University of Toronto. 9 pages long notes cover week 1 to 10.

Social Movements in Europe and North America (POL 344) complete summary

Social Movements in Europe and North America complete summary under POL 344 at the University of Toronto. 25 pages long notes helped me get an…