Foundations of Law (70102) complete HD summary notes

Foundations of Law (70102) complete HD summary notes

Foundations of Law (70102) complete summary notes from the UTS - University of Technology Sydney. Received a HD for this course. These notes are 45…

By: Ramuz09 Year: Grade: HD 45 Pages

Conflict Management (Psychology) English summary notes

Conflict Management (Psychology) English summary notes

Conflict Management summary notes in English under Psychology degree at the University of Groningen. These notes were written in 2021 and 85 pages long.

By: mariam21 Year: 85 Pages

Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) of CPA Australia keywords index

Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) of CPA Australia keywords index

This is a Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) of CPA Australia keywords index. It's 65 pages long and reference all the modules. These are very…

By: Priya Year: Grade: PASS 65 Pages

International Strategic Management (BUSI3020) HD lecture notes

International Strategic Management (BUSI3020) HD lecture notes

International Strategic Management lecture notes for BUSI3020 at the Australian National University (ANU). 86 pages long notes contain notes from lecture 1 to 11.

By: Varnaan Year: Grade: HD 86 Pages

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT2007) lecture notes

Organisational Behaviour (MGMT2007) lecture notes

Organisational Behaviour lecture notes for MGMT2007 at the Australian National University (ANU). 44 pages long these notes contain notes from lecture 1 to 5.

By: Varnaan Year: Grade: HD 44 Pages

Australian Constitutional Law (LAW 2501) exam notes

Australian Constitutional Law (LAW 2501) exam notes

Australian Constitutional Law exam notes covering LAW 2501 from the University of Adelaide. 118 pages long these notes were compiled in 2019. Received a HD.

By: Clogi00 Year: Grade: HD 118 Pages

Youth Realities (HSRV104) lecture notes with essays & assessment

Youth Realities (HSRV104) lecture notes with essays & assessment

Youth Realities lecture notes under HSRV104 are from University of Canterbury. 12 pages long notes also include 2 essays and a short online post assessment…

By: Nazrine Year: Grade: A 12 Pages

Labour And Employment Relations (HRIR 3450) full course notes

Labour And Employment Relations (HRIR 3450) full course notes

Labour And Employment Relations course notes for HRIR 3450 at the University of Manitoba. They were written in 2020. 169 pages long notes include chapter…

By: Tina05 Year: Grade: A 169 Pages

Human Motor Skill Development (APA 3121) lecture notes

Human Motor Skill Development (APA 3121) lecture notes

Human Motor Skill Development lecture notes under APA 3121 at the University of Ottawa. These notes were written in 2020 and they are 74 pages…

By: KablaL Year: Grade: 82% 74 Pages

Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector (PADP 7210) lecture notes

Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector (PADP 7210) lecture notes

Lecture notes from lecture 1 to 13 for Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector under PADP 7210 at the University of Georgia. These concise notes which…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: A 55 Pages

Criminal Justice Administration (POLS 3600) lecture notes

Criminal Justice Administration (POLS 3600) lecture notes

Lecture notes from lecture 1 to 13 for Criminal Justice Administration under POLS 3600 at the University of Georgia. These concise notes which were written…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: 89% 32 Pages

Policy Implementation (PADP 8630) lecture notes

Policy Implementation (PADP 8630) lecture notes

Lecture notes from lecture 1 to 12 for Policy Implementation under PADP 8630 at the University of Georgia. These concise notes which were written on…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: A 40 Pages

Criminology (SOCI 3810) lecture notes

Criminology (SOCI 3810) lecture notes

Lecture notes from lecture 1 to 15 for Criminology under SOCI 3810 at the University of Georgia. These concise notes which were written on 2019…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: 87% 34 Pages

Criminal Punishment and Society (SOCI 3150) lecture notes

Criminal Punishment and Society (SOCI 3150) lecture notes

Lecture notes from module 1 to 19 for Criminal Punishment and Society under SOCI 3150 at the University of Georgia. These notes are 45 pages…

By: MCooney Year: Grade: 88% 45 Pages

Psychopathology (PSYC 380) exam notes

Psychopathology (PSYC 380) exam notes

Psychopathology exam notes for PSYC 380 at the University of Delaware. This submission has notes to all 3 exams. When combined, they are 38 pages…

By: Nayan Year: Grade: 90% 38 Pages

Introduction to Neuroscience (NSCI 320) exam notes

Introduction to Neuroscience (NSCI 320) exam notes

Introduction to Neuroscience exam notes for NSCI 320 at the University of Delaware. This submission has notes to all 3 exams. When combined these are…

By: Nayan Year: Grade: 84% 26 Pages

Research Methods (PSYC 207) exam notes

Research Methods (PSYC 207) exam notes

Research Methods exam notes for PSYC 207 at the University of Delaware. This submission has notes to all 3 exams. When combined these notes are…

By: Nayan Year: Grade: 84% 15 Pages

Cognition (PSYC 340) exam notes

Cognition (PSYC 340) exam notes

Cognition exam notes for PSYC 340 at the University of Delaware. This submission has notes to all 3 exams. When combined these notes are 20…

By: Nayan Year: Grade: 84% 20 Pages

Brain and Behavior (PSYC 314) exam notes

Brain and Behavior (PSYC 314) exam notes

Brain and Behavior exam notes for PSYC 314 at the University of Delaware. This submission has notes to all 3 exams. Combined, they are 16…

By: Nayan Year: Grade: 83% 16 Pages

Maritime Law (M33171) Law LLB full notes

Maritime Law (M33171) Law LLB full notes

Maritime Law full notes under M33171 of Law LLB (M100) from the University of Nottingham. These notes are 44 pages long and cover all the…

By: Juan Year: Grade: 73% 44 Pages